December 11, 2003

Even More Song Lyrics 

Well, once again, I was going through some of my old posts, and I really think that I was writing better material in October than I am now. Maybe after finals, I can come up with something better. I do have a lot of stuff planned, and I'll give you a preview on Friday.

However, I want to end the day with another song that I wrote over the summer. This one's about tolerance and how it's been twisted to be synonymous with acceptance. Remember, I do want to use these lyrics someday to form a rock band with a conservative edge (you don't see many of those), but being a drummer and everything, I couldn't sing 'em, so that's kind of a problem. Here's another song by CD (remember, these lyrics are my intellectual property, and if you steal them, I will find you and severely hurt you. Just thought I'd let you know ;)

Here come the Thought Police, trying to stamp out all the bad words
Enforcing their beliefs and setting such a double standard
Anything goes and all opinions are okay
As long as it's something they would say
It's always so one sided, they have all the control
So why should they stop now when they're on such a roll?
But they can't get rid of me, 'cause I'm on a mission
And this is what I have to say to all this division
I'd rather live in the past than in a future where I'm silenced
You try to shut me up with your childish verbal violence
So call me old fashioned, call me what you will
Just spare me the insulting overkill
Crying and denying speech when someone else offends you
Doesn't make you right even though you may pretend to
Win a victory when Big Brother takes your side
And you'll lose in the end no matter how hard you have tried
What you don't seem to realize as you rant and complain
And claim that you can feel everyone's pain
Is that you're even worse than the people you've been fighting
When all you ever want to do is run around inciting
Protest and unrest and making a huge mess
When it comes to intolerance, it's simply no contest
You won't even let the other side have a voice
And yet you go on calling it "freedom of choice!"

I can't tolerate your tolerance
When I disagree you take offense
Why is it that you can call me names
But you get upset when I do the same?
You'd better learn to accept my philosophy
'Cause not everyone lives in the world you see
So I'll keep speaking my mind and letting my thoughts free
And you'll just have to learn how to tolerate me.

Anyone interested in singing and/or playing guitar for a right-wing rock band?



I didn't think so.

Posted by CD on December 11, 2003 12:11 AM
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