November 05, 2003

Afternoon Update 

This hasn't been the best day so far. I slept late and missed Spanish AGAIN, and my sociology class was so boring that I actually can't remember 99% of what the professor said. Here's a tip for college professors: If you give the class a handout with all the necessary notes already on it, there's no point in having a lecture. Just email it to us and let us sleep. There's also less to rant about today. Nothing particularly stupid has happened yet. The only thing in the Daily Orange that I could talk about concerns the Public Safety officers and their new "Peace Officer" status, which would allow them to carry guns. A student said that he doesn't feel comfortable with armed Public Safety officers. Now, this is understandable, but what's strange is the reasoning behind that. The student who said this is black, and he cites this as the reason armed officers make him nervous. Does that sound slightly biased to anyone else? "If we arm the officers, they'll shoot minorities!" Seriously, all Public Safety does is break up frat parties when they get too loud. I don't think they'll need the guns much. SU has more serious crime that actual police officers should be dealing with (we have a lot of car break-ins and armed robbery). I may have something to write about later. We're having a debate in my writing class at 3 on the Iraq war. Now, here's the catch: we won't know which side we're defending until the debate starts. I may end up actually arguing against the war! My communications teacher actually did this last year, and the debate was about affirmative action. I ended up being on the pro-affirmative action side, and I was picked to start the discussion. I had to say something like, "uh...well, this is kinda hard for me because I actually don't like affirmative action, but maybe it racism that already exists?" The teacher just laughed and said that we shouldn't add "disclaimers" to our statements. I hope that doesn't happen again today. I actually have to do some research for said debate right now, so I'll be back later. By the way, check out that DU message board thing if you haven't already. Apparently they don't even like moderates now. Also, I want to thank Zero Effect and Nuns with Nuts (or whatever it's called these days) for linking to SIT. I have them both linked on Evil Monkeys, which probably doesn't help much, so I may add them here as well.

Posted by CD on November 5, 2003 01:02 PM
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