November 02, 2003

More Timewasting on the Blogosphere

I don't know why I'm telling you this, but in addition to my original joke site, "Evil Monkeys," I'm working on another humor blog called "Form Fun" where I take online feedback forms and fill them out with weird responses (I don't actually submit them, just so you know). So far, I've done one from about a professor who thinks bulimia is a myth created by "digestives" to oppress women, and I just finished a response to an opinion survey on Laserwrx USA where I claim that the company is stealing my thoughts. I'm not linking to it, just like I don't link to Evil Monkeys, but if you want to see either site, let me know. I prefer to stay disconnected from both of them when I'm working on SIT because they may cause you to question my sanity, but if you're interested in finding out what a bizarre sense of humor I have, I may change my mind. I think I'm going to regret this post, but we'll see.

Posted by CD on November 2, 2003 07:11 PM
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