October 27, 2003

It Goes Both Ways 

Well, slap a tinfoil hat on me and call me a commie! I actually agree with something on DU! What could we possibly agree on, you ask? We both think that these people are idiots. Seriously. Why the crap would you sink to their level just to make them mad? You're just throwing more logs on the fire here, people. Let the frickin' socialists have their little play date and just leave them alone. Do you think this is actually helping gain support for our causes? Just about every one of the signs in these pictures can potentially make it harder for me to believe in something without ridicule. You're just enforcing negative stereotypes. Here's a fun one: "GOD HATES YOU SODOMITES ABORTIONISTS DRUNKARDS JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!" Wow, this is a proud day to be a Christian, jackass. God doesn't hate anybody. He hates their actions. In any case, why would you throw alcoholics, gays, and abortionists into the mix? They're just going to write you off as a "fundie" anyway, so why waste your time? Fighting ignorance with more ignorance is the real definition of intolerance. If you want people to change, don't insult them (before you call me a hypocrite, keep in mind that these people won't be reading this, so I don't care if they change). I'm sick of people distorting Christianity like this. I also like all the signs about trusting Jesus, believing in Jesus, etc. This is how atheists are created, children. They see this and think that all "rational" Christians support it. Here's a news flash for you: Jesus probably wouldn't approve of this, because he knows that it won't work. I hate the idea that this is what people imagine when they think of Christians. "Oh, look at those bigoted fundamentalists! They're trying to fight a jihad against Palestine! Deluded fools..." What were you people thinking? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!!!!! Let me clear something up: I'm a Christian. I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a Christian (although that may change if this keeps up). I believe that some of the groups mentioned here are sinners and are going to be punished accordingly when the time comes, but I DON'T GO OUT IN THE STREET AND SHOVE IT IN THEIR FACES! All they're doing is making it harder for Christians to be taken seriously. You cannot force this stuff on people. Jesus didn't even force himself on anybody. That's why he had disciples and not prisoners. You don't encourage someone to repent if you say, "Jesus loves you...AND YOU'RE GOING TO HELL IF YOU DON'T RETURN THE FAVOR!!!!!!" Of course, like I said, what any of this has to do with the war is beyond me. I think it's ignorant when anti-war protestors go to pro-war rallies, and it's equally ignorant when pro-war protestors go to "peace" rallies (don't expect me to take that term seriously). Leave the moonbats alone. Half of them probably don't even know where the Middle East is. Look at the reactions on the DU message board and explain to me how any of this was effective in supporting the war. They probably think John Ashcroft paid those people to disrupt the march. Okay, I'm completely out of stuff to say about this. I really do have to work now, but I couldn't let that go. I hope that most non-Christians are smart enough not to base their idea of the religion on those groups in the pictures. Rest assured, all of us RATIONAL Christians wouldn't be caught dead doing things like that. We may share their beliefs, but we're intelligent enough to know that you don't express them with hatred. Jesus didn't do it that way, and neither should we. So, that's today's religious rant. I'll probably be writing a lot more of those eventually. I take my beliefs seriously, and I want to make sure that nobody thinks of the people at that protest when they hear the word "Christian."

Posted by CD on October 27, 2003 10:06 PM
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