October 25, 2003

Completely Random Stuff

This is strange. When I use Internet Explorer, the hit counter appears on all the archived pages, but not the main page. When I use AOL, it appears on every page, but the posts are screwed up. And, of course, Netscape just plain sucks, so I haven't even tried it. Also, the pictures are slowly coming back online now that my bandwidth limit has been reset. That's what happens when you use free image hosting, I guess. So...what else should I write about? Hmmmm....let's see here....wow. I've got nothing. Really. I'll just keep up this stream of consciousness stuff for awhile. Here's one thing: today is the one month blogiversary of Semi-Intelligent Thoughts. On September 25, 2003, I read the RWN guide to starting your own blog, followed a link to the Blogger homepage, filled out the required sections, and started posting. Now, one month later, I've got some extra features, a couple regular readers, and a hobby that uses up way too much of my time. I'll write a more complete "history" later, but I have things to do in the real world pretty soon. Here's another thing: Default, one of my favorite bands, has a new CD coming out on November 25 (good way to celebrate the 2 month blogiversary if I'm still doing this then). It's called Elocation, and from the Quicktime samples on their website, I'd say it's going to be excellent, even though it sounds a lot like their first one. As far as this site goes, I'm still adding more links to various sources, as you may be able to tell. It's all part of my attempt to get more pages linking to me, but it still helps them, so it's not completely self-centered. Also, most of them are really good. I really haven't written anything particularly meaningful in a few days, but hopefully that will change. I may have to go back to my original plan of writing an extended explanation of one of the quotes from my Book of Semi-Intelligent Thoughts, the inspiration for the blog. I'm about done for now. Before I go, I really have to write about a dream I had last night. I don't know if anyone has played the original "Turok: Dinosaur Hunter" for Nintendo 64, but I dreamt that I was in that game. However, instead of the usual jungle setting, I had somehow ended up in the Carrier Dome, and it was full of people. A bunch of enemies from the game started attacking me, and I fought them off. Then, for some reason, I whipped out the fusion cannon, the most destructive weapon in the game, and started firing it at the spectators. When I fired at one guy, he started singing "Amazing Grace" and then leaped to his death, but the ball of fusion followed him and turned into one of those little red kickballs that elementary schools have. At this point, I woke up. Now, I don't know if that means anything, but it was the strangest dream I've had in several weeks, so I felt like I should write about it. I guess that's what happens when you sleep for 9 hours. I think I'll go now. I have to go make a transaction.

Posted by CD on October 25, 2003 03:14 PM
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