October 22, 2003

Accidents Happen... 

Well, I tried the solution the BlogSpeak guy gave me, and it didn't work. The comments still have huge numbers next to them. I really don't get it. Anyway, I'm back at the computer (obviously), so I could blog about a lot of different things. I think I'll just list a few of them and see what happens. First, I want to share a fun experience I had at marching band rehearsal. Here's the situation: We're marching and playing "America" from West Side Story. There's a move in the drill where the entire bass drum line takes 24 big steps backwards at high speed. We've done the move about 10 times already, so most of us pretty much have it down. Unfortunately, when it comes time to do it in this particular case, I start marching backwards, but take a couple steps that are way too big. This causes me to lose my balance and fall straight back. Now, keep in mind that I'm wearing a bass drum. As I fall, the drum falls with me. The harness hits me in the mouth, causing me to bite down on my lip, and the drum itself clips me in the forehead before flying over me and rolling about 6 feet back. As I hit the ground, the harness flies off in another direction, and I'm left lying on the turf of the Carrier Dome while the rest of the band marches around me. I immediately get back on my feet, pick up the harness, and walk over to where the drum landed. As I'm attaching the harness, I realize that my lip is bleeding. However, the drill is still going on, and I don't want to let the drumline down, so I stuff a wad of Kleenex in my mouth, walk over to where they are, and finish the drill without further incident. Aside from the fact that my lip was bleeding, I felt fine, and I actually thought the fall was kind of fun (except for the part where the harness hit me in the face). However, even though I was fine, the whole thing was so dramatic that a ton of people started asking me if I was okay and trying to get me to sit down. I just said, "no, I'm fine, really," and acted normally for the rest of rehearsal. So, that was the highlight of my day. It was funny just having random people come up to me for the rest of the night saying, "Chris, are you all right?" It's nice to know people care. I'm still feeling pretty good now, so I don't think there's any serious damage. The only problem is that my lip is still bleeding a little. Considering it's been an hour since I bit it, that might be a sign of trouble, but I'm okay other than that. I just thought I would share the experience. I guess it's better for those things to happen at rehearsal instead of at games. Anyway, back to less painful subjects. I have a lot more stuff I could write about, but I don't want to take up too much space, so I'm going to break this up into two separate posts. If this post is at the top of the list, wait about 15 minutes and then refresh the page. The second one should be ready by then.

Posted by CD on October 22, 2003 09:22 PM
Semi-Intelligent Comments

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