October 14, 2003

More Abortion Stuff 

Wow, the listserv discussion is heating up. Someone said that tadpoles and chicken eggs are not frogs and chickens, so they are not the same thing. I just reminded this person that those animals are still in the process of growing, but they don't need to be fertilized or altered by any outside force. They just need to rely on nature. I also pointed out that you could use this logic to justify murdering toddlers, since they aren't adults. I'm not going to post about everything that happens in this discussion, but I want to make up for the boring crap I've been writing for the past few days. Also, click on the "Michael Moore Hates America" link and go to the filmmaker's journal. There's an interesting commentary there on how "tolerant" Moore is, and it points out that he is an anti-American socialist hypocrite. I have to go eat dinner now.

Posted by CD on October 14, 2003 05:07 PM
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