October 12, 2003

Another Racism Rant With Related Link (say that five times fast)

Once again, I apologize for the overall lack of posting this weekend, but there seems to be a lack of interesting stuff happening around here (incidentally, I'm glad I didn't have to be at the football game, because Syracuse got annihilated), and there aren't a lot of good news stories to write about. There's plenty going on, but it's all about stuff that I don't really care about. I like writing about social issues, and it's been nothing but politics and economics and things. I want to write social rants!

Anyway, I did come across an interesting post on the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, and I followed Misha's link to the main article by Michelle Malkin (how's that for name dropping?). It's all about Cruz Bustamante and how the media completely ignored the fact that he belongs to a racist organization. I'm sure all you conservatives out there are aware of this fact, but apparently the "unbiased" media decided to completely ignore it. You'd think they would at least make fun of it on the late night talk shows or something, but there was nothing! They made fun of his weight and made up stories about him gambling or something, but nothing about the fact that he belongs to a "bronze" supremacy group! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!

You can read about this in the article, which I have linked below for easier...linkage, I guess, but I'll give you a paraphrased overview of one of the most interesting parts. Bustamante belongs to an organization called MEChA (I'm not going to bother writing what that stands for), which, among other things, treats latinos as a superior race, wishes to topple authority, and intends to conquer the southwestern United States because of historical claims.

Does that sound familiar to anyone? Superior race...anarchy...conquering land you say is rightfully yours anyway...did the media screw up and attribute this to Schwarzenegger, because they were calling HIM a nazi while completely ignoring Bustamante, who actually belongs-repeat-BELONGS-as in present tense, at this moment, right now, etc., to an organization whose goals can be compared to Hitler's!

"Well, he's a Democrat, so the First Amendment allows him to belong to that kind of group, but since Schwarzenegger decided to betray his country and run as a Republican, he doesn't get the same rights. In fact, since he is a LEGAL immigrant, we're not giving him any sympathy at all! How dare he become a 'naturalized citizen' and speak 'English?' Plus, he's white. That's a dead giveaway! If he's white, speaks English, and is in this country legally, then he must be evil! Bad Arnold! Bad!"

Okay, that got silly, but I guess I did manage to crank out a short rant this weekend. Anyway, you can read it in slightly more logical terms in Michelle Malkin's article. Since I'm a college student, I'm basically not allowed to speak up about this kind of thing (they might call me a racist if I criticize a latino group), and I'm in New York anyway, so it probably wouldn't do much good, but I urge anyone out there who's living in the free world and/or California to speak up about this. I really think conservatives need to take action and put an end to ridiculous double standards like this.

Just to make sure you get the point, I'll break it down once more: Arnold=related to a Nazi, may have praised Hitler for his speaking skills. Bustamante=Currently a member of an organization that wants to conquer part of the U.S. and take away the rights of non-latinos. Media=Criticizes Arnold, ignores Bustamante. There, is that clear enough? Seriously, do something! Talk to someone! There's gotta be a way! This is for the good of the nation!

Even if you'd prefer not to take orders from an eighteen year old, you should try and make a difference with this issue. That's the end of today's rant. Before I stop, however, I want to add another update about the blog. The counter is currently at 97. 97 hits in 8 days! I'm really happy about that. I want to thank everyone who has come here, and I realize that many of those hits are from the same 2 or 3 people (you know who you are), so I want to thank you especially. Hopefully, I'll eventually get more attention and become a part of the mainstream right-wing blogosphere, but I know that takes longer than 3 weeks. I don't expect to be blogrolled on Right Wing News or Instapundit after less than a month, but a blogger can dream. Anyway, thanks again for coming back, and I will post again soon. Later.

Bustamante, MEChA and the Media by Michelle Malkin (article is from August, but is still very relevant)

Posted by CD on October 12, 2003 07:16 PM
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