October 08, 2003

More Liberal Racism 

Unfortunately, I managed to procrastinate to the point of no return, so I have very little time to blog today, but I want to quickly cover another example of racism from liberals that I heard today. My sociology professor covered racial discrimination and similar topics today, and he eventually got around to talking about affirmative action. Right away, it was obvious that he supports it, because he talked about how many people it has helped and how much more diverse the work force is. Those are obviously good things, but people like him always seem to ignore the fact that they have been manufactured and aren't necessarily the result of a change in society. As I said yesterday, jobs and admissions are meant for people who deserve them, no matter what color or nationality they happen to be. The professor, of course, decided to give his position on this view, and he introduced it with the question, "Why can't there be reverse racism?" This struck me as a bit odd, because he's already decided that there is no reverse racism, despite the fact that certain people are still singled out because of their race. According to his view, affirmative action is not racist because the white male majority (also known as the evil white patriarchy) is still making the policies. Therefore, he says that we have "invented" reverse racism to mask our own racist views. I really hope I'll get the chance to write about this for his class, because I could really get into a topic like this, but since I have a blog, I'll try out an argument now. In my view, affirmative action is racist even though white males are making the policy. The problem in my professor's view is that he (by his own admission) views racism as one race dominating another. That premise results in the belief that racism can only be perpetrated by the majority, in this case white males. I find that to be deeply flawed. Racism by domination is only one form. In reality, racism happens whenever a person considers race to be the most important part of an individual's identity regardless of character, reputation, personality, skills, etc. In fact, according to my "Language Master" (a computerized dictionary), racism is simply discrimination based on race OR based on the belief that one race is superior to another. In the case of affirmative action, the racism lies in the fact that decisions are made based solely on race. That's racist. And I also disagree with my professor's view that white people are not racist when they implement affirmative action policies. Even though they put themselves at a disadvantage by doing this, the fact remains that they are discriminating based on race and ethnicity. I call that "360 degrees of racism." Even if a person's racism is disadvantageous, it is still racist. My philosophy professor actually gave a good example of this. Back in the days of slavery, if a slave accepted the belief that he was inferior, he was called an "Uncle Tom." African-Americans who are believed to treat whites as their superiors are still called this today. This is a case of 360 degree racism. Even though the person views himself as inferior, he still takes a racist position. That's my opinion. Any time you treat race as the most important factor, you are a racist. It's as simple as that. I think I should probably do some actual work now, so I'll sign off. By the way, I think Arnold Schwarzenegger's English is actually getting worse, but maybe that's just me.

Posted by CD on October 8, 2003 12:32 PM
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