January 13, 2004

Let's Laugh at the Idiots!

Crap. I never thought I'd say this, but I need some frickin' homework NOW. I was bored out of my mind tonight because I have no friends and there was nothing to blog about that others haven't covered already.

Yes, I know I'm pathetic.

Anyway, I'll direct you to our friends at Democratic Underground, who believe that...heh...NPR is...ha ha...a...(pphhhhht...)...CONSERVATIVE RADIO STATION!


Oh, man, these people are funny. Of course, I'd expect this crap from people who think President Bush is "worse than Hitler" (actual quote).

I should go to sleep now...

Holy flurking schnit, this is great. They also think CNN is biased to the right!

I noticed something interesting about how the first poster came to this conclusion. Let's look at the post:

Wolf Blitzer: "O'Neill--Spilling secrets or spreading lies?"

I kid you not, that is how he referred to an upcoming segment about O'Neill's well-documented and fully-supported comments on the Bush administration. The media in our country is soooooo disgutingly biased.

So, what have we learned today? That Blitzer thing actually looks "fair and balanced" to me. One side thinks O'Neill is revealing a huge conspiracy, the other thinks he's a hack with a grudge. So, why is this "disgustingly biased?"

Simple: It treats the right-wing opinion as valid, so it must be a Chimpya funded propaganda-fest.

Those crazy liberals!

Posted by CD on January 13, 2004 12:21 AM
Semi-Intelligent Comments

Of course those monkeys think CNN is a right wing machine; When you are that far to the left, -EVERYTHING- is right wing to you.

Posted by: navtechie at January 13, 2004 06:30 AM

I think that is the funniest flaw of the leftist--he thinks he's a moderate....

Posted by: Susie at January 13, 2004 02:05 PM

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