January 14, 2004

DU Post of the Day

I think I'll make this a regular feature to end each day. I'll go through Democratic Underground and find a post where they're crazier than usual, then link to it and post a few examples (RWN does this occasionally, but not every day). They're just so entertaining!

Anyway, today's post is entitled Could Bush win in a debate with any of the candidates? Here are some responses:

It's not winning if the refs make every call in favor of your opponent.
Gore easily "won" every one of the debates hands down. But because every pundit (the proverbial "refs") called it in Bush's favor every time he was perceived as winning.
The exact same thing will happen.

The people don't decide who wins. The media does. And the media will each time call it in his favor. Be it for low expectations or whatever.

No matter what occurs on the night of the debate, the next morning the entire Bushevik Propaganda Structure that I like to call Goebbels v2.0 will shriek 24/7 for at least several days (time means nothing to them if it is necessary to support the Fuhrer) "Bush WON (SHUT UP!) Bush WON (SHUT UP!)..."

My wife and I were talking about this last night and...
...we were thinking that it wouldn't be surprising to us if Rove faked an assassination attempt on Bush, which put him in the hospital in October and November AFTER dates for debates had been finalized. This would enable Bush to get out of debating and make it even harder for Dems to attack Bush!
I know it is crappy to think that way, but given what we've seen in the past 3 years we think anything is possible! 

will probably bring Bin Laden out during the debates.....i mean right on the debate floor in handcuffs! 

I should go now. Friggin' 8:30 Spanish class...

Posted by CD on January 14, 2004 01:34 AM
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