January 14, 2004

Not Worth the Effort

Man, the Daily Orange editorial column today is such an easy target that I'm not even going to bother fisking it. I'll just present a few quotes without comment, along with a link to the entire piece.

Politics 101: Center is not left

In yesterday's Daily Orange, columnist Brian Oppenheim wrote, "[Howard Dean] can't win the big race in November unless he sheds his newfound liberalism and shifts back to center." Nothing could be farther from the truth for Dean and for the American political left as a whole.

The Democrats and the American left have no hope in November or in the future without being Democratic and leftist. The left must be proud and assertive of the fact that they are indeed left.

...Regardless of what Anne [sic] Coulter and Bill O'Reilly might force-feed the obsequious minds of this country, there is no liberal bias in the media because liberals don't exist outside of academia.

...George W. Bush's campaign will be dirty, hard-hitting, and very sophisticated - just like his administration...A full assault on the lies that this administration has spun needs to begin, and it is the only hope for Howard Dean, any Democrat, or the left as a whole to have a future in this country.

It would just be too easy.

Posted by CD on January 14, 2004 10:41 AM
Semi-Intelligent Comments

I love how they always assume that we only listen to O'reilly and Coulter--and how they also assume that we treat them like the gospel.

Such silly people

Posted by: jaws at January 14, 2004 01:18 PM

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