January 15, 2004

Random College Rant

It's still freaking cold. Last time I checked, it was -7, and it's probably colder now. It's also snowing. Since the snow appears to be falling perpendicular to the ground, I'm guessing it's windy too (having a streetlight right outside your window is really great when you want to check the weather at night).

Anyway, I don't really have any political stuff to write about at the moment. The DO is pretty neutral, with editorials about Mars and the cold weather. There is one attacking Dubya's economic policies, but since I know virtually nothing about economics, I won't waste my time with it.

Since I don't have anything that interesting, I'll just write random stream of consciousness stuff about my classes...or something.

First of all, here's a tip for ALL college students: If you're going to spend an entire lecture talking to your friends, then DON'T GO TO THE F**KING LECTURE!!!! I don't understand why people bother to show up when they're like this. It's not like anyone's going to notice a few people missing from a class of 200 or more students. Just stay home if you're going to sit there chatting and laughing like you're in junior high. Morons.

Oh yeah, here's another lecture tip: TURN. OFF. YOUR. STUPID. CELL. PHONES. Who the crap is calling these people at 2:30 in the afternoon, anyway? You'd think that if two people know each other well enough to exchange phone numbers, they could wait and talk in person instead of disrupting the entire class. It's hard enough to pay attention to some of these professors already. I don't need your frickin' novelty rings invading my ears.

Okay, that's enough. I just want to write about one more interesting occurrence from today. I finally had my TRF class, entitled "Script, Picture, and Sound," and it seems good so far. We talked about different kinds of visual productions, and the professor tried to explain the difference between a documentary and propaganda.

I don't remember exactly how it came up, but one student suggested "Bowling for Columbine" as an example of propaganda in a documentary, or something to that effect. In response, the professor said that, although Michael Moore obviously has a bias, he doesn't insert it into the film.

Instead, according to this guy, Moore draws his own conclusions from his observations. As an example, he said that Moore "let Charlton Heston dig his own hole." You'd think that an experienced documentarian (the professor, not Moore) would recognize clever editing, but I guess it slipped past him. As a side note, the professor claims to have been in the Peace Corps at one point. Is this good or bad? Anybody?

I'm still college focused right now, so I'm going to come back later and do a general critique of all my classes so far, now that I've had 'em all at least once.

Stay warm.

Posted by CD on January 15, 2004 07:58 PM
Semi-Intelligent Comments

Regarding your first two points (talkers and cell phones)--welcome to the downside of big lectures. Such cases are almost inevitable.

The cell phone thing especially bothers me. Like if it happens once than maybe okay. But people who repetitively do it--how can we teach 'em a lesson?

Posted by: jaws at January 15, 2004 10:50 PM

"...how can we teach 'em a lesson?"

To quote Dr. Hibbert...

"Fire, and lots of it!"

...Or maybe not.

Posted by: CD at January 15, 2004 11:09 PM

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