February 08, 2004

DU Post of the Day: "When did you realize America was a lie?"

Wow. This is almost too good to be true (in a "good for laughs" way, not a "good for humanity" way).

I didn't actually see it, but I did read through the transcript of Dubya's "Meet the Press" interview. Honestly, I have trouble reading transcripts of his impromptu appearances. The guy needs to think before he opens his mouth.

It's always something like, "Well that's you know I'm first of all we're I don't think that when you say Saddam had weapons and that's a Washington thing let me finish I don't they I you..." THINK, DUBYA! Think, then speak!

Anyway, I wasn't too impressed with that, but I figured that the DU moonbats would offset my slight dissatisfaction with their tinfoil-hatted idiocy. As it turns out, they did. They mostly talked about how much he "lied" and how his subtle body language could indicate when he was trying to dodge a question. They also tried to figure out how many of his answers were being relayed to him by the transponder he apparently has in his ear.

Another fun moment was their response to his refusal to talk about our knowledge of bin Laden's whereabouts. One person said something like, "He won't tell the TRUTH that we either have him in custody or know exactly where he is!" I hate to break it to you morons, but Osama bin Laden is probably now known as "Osama bin Rottin'." Just my opinion.

At this point, you're probably wondering about the title of this post, so I'll get back to that: After the "Meet the Press" thread, I noticed one entitled Fascism- when did you realize that America was a lie?. I couldn't resist checking it out.

As I've said before, DU threads are for laughs and are not meant to represent the leftist majority or my view of them. However, I really couldn't pass this one up. Get ready for some of the most insane DU ramblings to date, as I present samples from the 71 (so far) total responses (As always, I will use lots of ellipses and such, so you have to click the link to see it all. Don't stay too long, though. Reading threads like this probably kills brain cells):

First of all, here's an excerpt from the original:

Obviously some people will respond deny that is our reality. Go ahead and deny all you want. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything...Both democrats and republicans aided and abetted Hilter and bore no consequence for their acts of greed when they armed Hitler and helped to kill two-thirds of the Jewish population in Europe. And during this time, Americans were starving through a horrible depression brought on by the very greed of these financiers of fascism in Germany, Italy, and Spain. The fear of communism was the boogeyman before. Fear of terrorism is the boogeyman now...he majority in Congress, in the Republican party and with some democrats as well, pours scorn on the separation of powers, the separation of church and state, on the very foundations for our reason for being as a nation... we were founded as an experiment, by people who thought that humans could rationally govern themselves and could create laws which would reflect an evolution in democracy, rather than the revolutions which were the norm in that day. I do not know how to restore that democractic experiment in America. As it stands, it will not happen with a continuance of the status quo, and it seems that anyone who opposes the status quo is doomed to failure with a compliant media.

Sorry about the length of that one. The rest will be shorter. Let's look at a few more and find out when DU's posters discovered that America is a fascist lie:

it hit me on election night 2000 when the cameras went to the governor's mansion and they were asking bush about the florida returns not looking good for him. there was something about his smirk that told me the fix was in. over the next three weeks we painfully came to realiize it.

Ah, yes. We all know Bush stole the election. Thanks for reminding us.

The 2000 election was a definite "I took the red pill" moment I vaguely knew about the horrors of the Reagan/Bush era, but I had no idea just how craven that time was until after the 2000 election when I sought out more information. I had absolutely NO idea about the fascists here who tried to kill Roosevelt because of the new deal (including members of the DuPont family), and I had no idea of how far back the Bush family had been complicit in support of fascism.

Apparently the fact that Saddam Hussein is a fascist means nothing to these people.

Education and information are they're only enemies. They know that, so have taken control of the media and are beginning to take control of the schools and publishing houses.

Since they didn't teach you the difference between "their" and "they're," I guess the vendetta against education is working.

It is an indictment in itself that Ann Coulter is on tv after the things she and others did over the course of the Clinton presidency. It astonishes me that Ollie North is a free man, and worse, that he gets paid to go on tv...and that the boy scouts think he is a good person to speak to young boys.

Wow again. So, the fact that we allow people you disagree with to roam free is a sign that we're a fascist nation. Kettle, have you met my friend, Pot? (wait, that didn't sound right...)

I'm Having A Flashback.... I was a youngster during Vietnam but can remember the violent protests here in the US and the ease with which the college students were calling America fascist. Today, the equivalent is "racist"... an easy one to throw out when the speaker wants a quick and dirty put-down. In reality, it's no different than when a right-winger yells "Communist".

This one's not crazy. I'm just amazed that it hasn't been deleted yet.

The month when Hillary Clinton, Dick Gephardt, Joe Lieberman and half of the Democrats participated in the Gulf of Tonkin of the 21st century. I am young, and I had always thought that the Democratic Party was the stalwart opposition to the madness of the right wing. I thought Bill Clinton was a great leader who was a victim of ideologues. But there was that Iraq vote, and I couldn't understand how so many senators and representatives failed to see what I, a 21 year old, could see...I donate to Dennis Kucinich now, for I have no faith that the "frontrunners" would turn us back from the abyss.


Today I suddenly realized how selfish I was to have children and now they are all on their own, and god only knows what will happen to them in this country. I am angry with myself for having them now, angry because I gave them life, and now they are living it in this quasi fascist farce of a country. Im so angry and tired. Im tired of thinking of the terror they will face , the terror my grandchildren will face, and the terror my stepson will face in Iraq. Sometimes, I just want to lay down and die, rather then know what they will all have to go through. I cant live in denial. I wish I could. But when you know that any minute your loved one could die, its too much to bear. Just thinking of what the future is for my kids, my stepson whose future in this war is so uncertain, and my grandchildren..I now wish I wouldnt have given birth to them in this country.. I should have gotten them all out LONG ago.

THESE. PEOPLE. HAVE. REPRODUCED. That's why DU worries me so much. This person's children are being raised by a lunatic.

absolutely. and teachers should tell the truth our schools are like factories, as I read from someone else, to turn out compliant citizens who question nothing and respect authority simply because it exists, not because it is right. fundie schools are even worse, and they are so prevalent in the south, is it any wonder that the south remains so stuck in regressive social stances?

I guess the "factories" taught you that the South is full of bigots.

The first one hundred days of this Misadministration... I can't pinpoint the exact day I realised it, but I can say with certainty that the first one hundred days of this Bush* administration erased everything I had worked for and believed in. Thirty years of work and dreams - gone, like it never existed! ...I want my country back!

I didn't realize Saddam Hussein was a DU poster. How'd he get to a computer?

The American Revolution was a revolution against corporations.

So, Great Britain was a corporation back then?

For me, it was Reagan being elected TWICE, and people actually LIKING that demented old fool because he was like their "kindly old uncle." I still have a scrapbook of news stories about what Reagan did/said -- to remind myself how much of an old fraud he was.

I'm speechless. That's kind of irrelevant since I'm typing, but still...

How long has it been since slavery was declared unconstitutional? --and how long after the civil war did it take war criminals in the south until they undermined the Union yet again by undercutting reconstruction? The Germans have undergone a long and somber examination of their past in relation to Hitler, yet we still have people who think it is perfectly reasonable to have a confederate flag as part of a state's emblem. Can you imagine the outcry if any province in Germany adopted a swastika as part of its flag? It is only because of the complicity of those in the highest levels of our govt at the state and federal levels that the racists in this country are not shamed and ostracized. (Jeb Bush, what will you do for the blacks in your state? Jeb: probably nothing. okay, he was wrong, he made sure he denied tens of thousands of them the right to vote.)

I'm running out of semi-clever responses to these. Make up your own for this one.

9/11 when there were no fighters in the air. I knew the Election was stolen in 2000, but I was still thinking things happen to align properly to allow Dumbya to steal Florida and the election. When 9/11 happened and there were no fighters protecting the second tower or the Pentagon, I realized we had just been given the red pill in suppository form.

I guess it makes sense that we should've protected the Pentagon and the second WTC tower BEFORE they were attacked, since Bush knew.

 December 12, 2000 a day that will forever live in infamy. On that day a vile and corrupt majority SCOTUS defied the US Constitution and committed treason against the Republic by selecting the American president.

You heard it here first, folks: Acting in accordance with the Constitution is unconstitutional!

Twas a graudal process... Patriot Act was a HUGE hint and then there was Bush's privatization of social programs, no child left behind, calling liberals unpatriotic, eventually it all became clear that we are living under a fascist regime.

Let's review: Privatization somehow increases government control, NCLB is a totalitarian policy, and Bush called liberals unpatriotic. I will once again restate my belief that we need to teach critical thinking in high schools.

Anyway, that's just a small sample of the craziness taking place in that thread. I'm surprised Larry the Liberal hasn't chimed in yet. Maybe he's afraid that John Ashcroft monitors the discussions.

That's about it for now. I just wanted to use this to point out that ADULTS in this country actually believe these things. Adults with CHILDREN. I'm afraid. I'm very afraid. This is why my tagline is "Dissent is healthy; Stupidity is deadly."

It's true, you know.

Posted by CD on February 8, 2004 04:52 PM
Semi-Intelligent Comments

Thanks. I was considering doing this exact same post. You've given me all of the joy of a good DU fisking and none of the agony of having to go there and read that drek myself.

Posted by: Stephen Macklin at February 8, 2004 09:01 PM

Glad I could help. I think being a conservative college student builds up a tolerance to liberal idiocy, so I can venture into the depths of DU for longer than most people. I try to use that to my advantage whenever possible.

Posted by: CD at February 8, 2004 09:08 PM

Wow, the tin-foil hats are really in style this season.

Posted by: jaws at February 8, 2004 11:58 PM

Not only that, they're wearing the special Deluxe Edition™ that not only protects them from black helicopters, but blocks out any and all rational thought whatsoever.

Posted by: CD at February 9, 2004 12:46 AM

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