February 14, 2004

DU Post of the Day: "What Country Should America Be Like?"

Okay, after that little Valentine's Day rant, I think some humor would be appropriate, and that's why I'm covering this thread on Democratic Underground. Check out the original (DISCLAIMER: As always, DU threads are for entertainment purposes only, and are not meant to represent the majority of the American left or the Democratic Party):

What existing country should America most strive to be like? Anyone who's traveled or studied knows that America is not the greatest place on Earth. The question here is: What country should serve as the model for our country?

I was guessing they would say France before I even clicked on this thread, so the next part of the post didn't surprise me very much:

I would have to say France. There is enough socialism to prevent the destitution seen in countries like the US, but not enough to render life as dull as, say, Sweden. There is also a strong national identity in France that you don't see in our consumeristic country here. Sure, Americans buy their made in China American flags; but there's really no national culture aside from Britney Spears and Eminem. France takes pride in its history without exploiting it. The seven year presidential term would also do well in America, eliminating reliances on the political business cycle and forcing presidents to look at the long term effects of their decisions. And I love the 14 Juillet military parades in Paris. I can't understand why we don't have a 4th of July celebration like that in America, instead of Pepsi-sponsored, consumer-culture trash.

I love DU so much. I don't understand why people avoid it. I was in depressed/enraged mode because of Valentine's Day, and this thing cheered me up right away. Let's see what others said:

Canada They are polite, well educated, multilingual, socialy aware, and have universal healthcare. The Canadians are the best neighbors in the world. (The second-best neighbors in the world are the Mexicans.)

France, Canada...what's the difference nowadays?

Canada. My friends up North have the right idea. They believe in diplomacy instead of guns. Talk first instead of action right off the bat. They have health care...they consider it an imperative. We don't seem to be able to understand that access to health care, in a country as wealthy as ours, is a basic right. Canada is many times more progressive than we are...especially in terms of gay people.

Health care is a basic right. That's news to me.

Of course, a few people actually think America is the greatest country on Earth (how did they avoid being banned?), like this one:

 Is this a joke? Sorry - America IS the best country to live. I've lived in Greece, Germany, England and spent many months in Colombia, Peru, Panama anyone who says it's great to live there has some home grown pussy on the side keeping him there. BTW - most people I met would of given all they had just to VISIT this country.

But other posters (who, keep in mind, aren't unpatriotic at all) disagree:

Some U.S. rankings: 37th in health care, 31st in freedom of the press, and 19th in life expectancy. You have been to the wrong places. Additionally, I have friends who prefer small, backward South American countries because they can escape the plastic, corporate, right-wing, advertising, puritanical bullshit of the U.S. and like living without air conditioning and other luxuries that only weaken the enjoyment of being alive and relating to others. The U.S. is mostly a hillbilly Las Vegas.

"But don't you DARE question my patriotism! I love America, just not NORTH America!"

[sarcasm] Surprisingly [/sarcasm], it eventually turned into a discussion of the "religious clothing" debate in France:

France? Perhaps we can force secularization on all of our religious minorities just like them...

And the first reply:

Hahahaha. This is what FAUX wants you to think. It forces secularization on ALL religions, not just minorities. Public institutions should be secular. Your argument is straight of the O'Reilly book of fallacies. And you have to understand the religious friction going on in France between the Jews, Muslims, and others. More Muslim women support the ban on religious displays in school than oppose...The Socialist Party is also overwhelmingly supportive of the ban.

O'Reilly=wrong, socialists=right. I love it! What else have you got for us, crazy people?

What about "Freedom from Religion".... France's predominately secular society don't want to see religion creep into their cherished institutions like it has here. They see the danger.

HOORAY FOR TOLERANCE!!!!!!!!! Don't stop now! What else do you think of America?

I have been all over Europe as well, and have even lived there for a period...I loved it - I felt like it was an oasis of sanity compared to this country and life seemed more leisurely and purposeful.

Why the crap are you in the U.S. then? Hmmm....

Great Britain. Only because that's the only other country in which I've lived. They have a social safety net, civilised laws, and great beer. They also have a healthy respect for intellectuals and sarcasm. Their music scene and youth culture rocks. OK, we are emulating colonial Britain now, but I mean modern Britain.

Social safety net and civilized laws. Is that what you call welfare and gun control these days?

 how dare you imply that America isn't perfect, splendid, wondrous? The more insecure and jingoistic amongst us will crawl outta the woodwork and burst into inexplicable fits of nationalistic frenzy at the mere thought!

I like this one. Apparently, loving other countries is healthy, but loving America is jingoistic and nationalistic. Fascinating.

America should strive to live up to her potential. What works in other countries may not necessarily work here. On a related note, I can just imagine the wingers getting hold of this thread and showing Fox News viewers how anti-American we DUers are.

Well, at least they saw it coming.

 If not America....the old one twenty years ago? If I can't have America as it was twenty years ago? We lose this next election...and Bush stays in power....and they come after more citizens, etc.? You have to realize this is a world wide grab for power by the Neo Cons to set up their World Union (called Order in the past). They have divided up the world (head of the World Bank...and corporate CEOs). The World Banks finance both sides of war. All they care about is profit. Canada, Scotland, Australia, New Zealand, etc are all under pressure taking away rights, WTO-World Union plans, etc. The British thing with Blair and the Queen. They're all previously Democratic and English speaking(like us).

Must...not...laugh...! Will...have...fatal...asthma...attack........


Okay, I'm better now. That's just a sample of the responses. Click the link I provided for a lot more.

DU is better than anything on Comedy Central. I love it.

Posted by CD on February 14, 2004 05:43 PM
Semi-Intelligent Comments

I'm confused. Does the last dipshit want the America of 20 years ago? Cuz if he does, I say: FUCKIN A BUBBA! Ronnie Reagan was large and in charge in '84 and on hi way to whuppin up on both Mondale and the Soviets. You want the America of 1984? I'LL TAKE IT!

And the other one I don't get: 31st in freedom of the press. Wha? Is that even possible to measure numerically, how "free" the press is? I mean, it's either totally repressed and state run, or it's NOT. So apparently, the US Gov't and Fox News have taken over and the only stuff you're hearing is STATE RUN PROPAGANDA.

These guys are puffin on some heap big weed.

Posted by: Mike the Marine at February 16, 2004 12:56 PM

If you want an explanation, don't look at me. I'll have to ask Larry if he knows what Doobie Underground is talking about. (do people still say "doobie?")

Posted by: CD at February 16, 2004 01:49 PM

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