March 06, 2004

Break Time!

Hello, SIT readers. I'm going back to Pittsburgh for spring break, and I've also decided to take this weekend off unless something really important happens, so there will probably be nothing new here until Monday.

Two orders of business before I go. First: If you want to ask me any questions for the upcoming interview, send them to Jennifer as soon as possible. See her site for more details if you don't know how the blogger interviews work.

Second: For the regular readers (I think there are about 10 of you now), I was hoping you could help me out by answering a couple really quick questions. You don't have to, but it won't take that long, so...yeah. Answer in the comments, if you decide to participate:

1. Do you remember how you found SIT? (if you don't, just skip this question or say "no")

2. Are you a "lurker" (someone who reads the blog but rarely or never comments)? Now's your chance to be recognized!

...Okay, that's it. Happy Spring Break, everyone! Even those of you who aren't in college and don't get a break right now.


Posted by CD on March 6, 2004 03:16 AM
Semi-Intelligent Comments

In answer to your questions:

1. I suppose I'm what you'd call a lurker. I've been visiting your site about once a day for two or three weeks. I followed a link from, which I found through, which I found through -- wow, I can't believe I remembered all that...

As a neophyte blogger, I was intrigued by the comprehensiveness of your posts, the extreme detail with which you dissect whatever it is you're discussing. While I disagree with almost everything you say (you can see from my own blog that I'm what many people consider a liberal), I appreciate the time and care you take to articulate your points. As you yourself say, dissent is healthy.

Posted by: Colin at March 6, 2004 03:34 AM

I was directed to your site from tryigtogrok which I got from CPTPatti which I got from the newspaper. I go to your site everyday since I first read it and find your views very much in tune with mine. I don't know if I have ever commented here or not. I don't normally comment unless something has really touched me one way or the other. But, I thank you for what you do. The way you have posted your arguements has helped me find words for my own argurments

Posted by: Lani at March 6, 2004 06:23 AM

1. If I remember correctly, I stumbled upon SIT through IMAO, which I got to through a link from a friend.

2. Hm. "Lurker," I suppose, though I've been commenting more frequently recently. You really do provide a great read. (...of course, considering some of the people I know in college, the ability to write a coherent sentence has come to impress me.)

Enjoy your spring break. Isn't it a great reprieve? Just long enough, and right after every professor suffocates you under blue books.

Posted by: Katherine at March 6, 2004 10:00 AM

Frequent lurker, occasional commenter, I think I found you through The Alliance, dude. Then Munuvia, of course.

Posted by: Susie at March 6, 2004 12:04 PM

I absolutely refuse to post a comment here.


Posted by: Tuning Spork at March 6, 2004 12:35 PM

Since I'm in Q&A mode -

1. I found SIT upon moving to Munuvia

2. I comment a lot - everywhere. It's how I got started blogging in the first place. I thought once I had my own blog I would probably comment less - but I was wrong.

Posted by: Stephen Macklin at March 6, 2004 03:42 PM

I think I found your link through IMAO if I am remembering correctly.I don't consider myself a lurker even though I don't post much. Jackie

Posted by: Jackie at March 6, 2004 05:37 PM

Wow. I didn't think anyone was actually going to answer. Thanks!

Posted by: CD at March 6, 2004 08:22 PM

I forget how I exactly came across your site. either it was in my referral logs or you'd left a comment.

And I'm not a lurker. :)

Posted by: jaws at March 7, 2004 02:26 AM

I probably found you through IMAO (I find most people through IMAO). I'm technically not a lurker, since I have posted one message. I am a super duper low grade active poster.

Posted by: Jim at March 7, 2004 09:47 PM
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