March 26, 2004

Interesting Logic

I should've mentioned this earlier, but I didn't really think it was important. I changed my mind.

My Spanish class on Thursday morning was about the recent political history of Latin America, and the professor decided to break down the various elements of 19th Century Latin-American society into "conservative" and "liberal" so we could see how the power structure worked.

Based on the way he made the chart, his understanding of politics is as follows:

- All rich people are conservative, because they keep their money instead of giving it to others.
-All people with power are conservative, because they want to hold onto their power instead of moving toward democracy.
-All poor people are liberal, because they want more money.
-All lower-class people are liberal, because they want more power.
-The church hovers around the center. It is conservative when it gains power, and liberal when it uses its influence for social activism.
-The military is totally conservative.
-Laborers and university students are all liberal.

DYOC (draw your own conclusions)

Did I mention this is a Spanish class? Shouldn't we be learning...SPANISH???

Posted by CD on March 26, 2004 12:49 AM
Semi-Intelligent Comments

what a fuckwad.

Posted by: annika at March 26, 2004 06:03 PM

I have to agree. From this Conservative uni student's perspective, he is full of it.

Posted by: tommy at March 26, 2004 06:34 PM

From the traditional sense of defining "liberal" and "conservative," things tend to get reversed (when big intrusive gov't were all, and slavery were the rage and the people that wanted to keep them, they were "conservatives," and the people that wanted liberty and a free market, and an end to slavery were "liberals." Those on the left (post-slavery of course) didn't like this so they started calling themselves liberals, hence how it works today. Anyway...

The chart sounds illogical, factually incorrect, too general, and he obviously is trying to use it as a political metaphor to today (which doesn't make any sense).

"Remember when the conservative Caesar became dictator over the liberal Roman Senate!"

Was Lenin a conservative then, he held power? (the college profs would LOVE that suggestion)

Anyway, it doesn't belong in a Spanish class.

Posted by: Jim at March 27, 2004 12:16 AM

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