June 09, 2004

Real Life? What's That?

My brother "MD" is graduating from high school tonight (he's heading for IUP this fall), so I'll be away from the blog. As if anyone really cared.

Occasions where relatives come over always provide some entertaining moments. Quote of the day #1: My grandfather talking about Ronald Reagan:

"I tell ya, that guy ruined my life!"

This should be a fun night...

Posted by CD on June 9, 2004 04:13 PM
Semi-Intelligent Comments

Out of curiosity, do you argue politics with any left leaning members of your family?
I personally have always kept my mouth shut. I'm still a 'little kid' to them anyway - so what could I possibly say of worth? Someday though, I intend to 'out' my conservative self to them. What an event that'll be. :)

And, any luck with job searching?


Posted by: Katherine at June 9, 2004 09:35 PM

Well, I didn't know until today that my grandfather had moonbat tendencies, and my parents are fairly conservative already (I've had some interesting discussions with them about how both sides of the spectrum are ruining education, since my father refers to NCLB as "test 'em 'til they're dead," and my mother thinks school vouchers are a bad idea because the good schools are already overcrowded), so there's really not that much to argue about.

As for the job search, it turns out the manager of the grocery store never actually got my application. I'm not sure if I want to work for someone with such incompetent customer service employees. Also, thanks to my telephonophobia, I haven't been able to contact any other places yet. I'm not sure what'll happen now.

Posted by: CD at June 9, 2004 10:00 PM

My family is so left-leaning that if I criticize a Democrat, I'm automatically nuts, so that doesn't look too odd to me.

My parents blamed Reagan and high interest rates for not being able to add a rec room to our house. Now, I wasn't old enough to actually remember this, but didn't Carter create the massive inflation?

Posted by: Alex at June 11, 2004 11:36 AM
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