June 17, 2004

Could It Possibly Be More Obvious?

Okay...to anyone who still denies that there's a liberal media bias...look at the coverage of the 9/11 Commission's findings. You'll notice that many news organizations are clearly lying about what the administration and the commission said. You'll also notice that their coverage makes it look like Bush and his administration lied, even though their coverage itself is based on lies.

Case in point: The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's front page headline is Panel finds no Saddam, al-Qaida link. That's a lie (especially by the left's definition of "anything that isn't unequivocally true in every way and agreed upon by everyone"). They found no link between Saddam and 9/11. They even said that there was a Saddam and Al Qaeda link, just not a substantial one as far as we know.

You f**king idiots, how can you not see this?

Oh, and before someone says "Well, it's the 9/11 Commission, so people are going to realize that it's only talking about 9/11 links," take a look at the headlines. They don't say that, do they? In fact, the Post-Gazette article says this:

Sept. 11 panel's conclusion at odds with administration.

And later, they say this:

The September 11 commission reported yesterday that it had found no "collaborative relationship" between Iraq and al-Qaida, challenging one of the Bush administration's main justifications for the war in Iraq.

It then tries to disprove statements the administration made, using evidence that's either inconclusive or was never actually used. Nice. And the headlines, which people look at first, make it seem like the administration has been clearly proven wrong somehow.

This is why I get my news from blogs most of the time now.

And finally: SINCE WHEN WAS THIS ONE OF THEIR MAIN JUSTIFICATIONS? Have we decided not to play the "No WMD" angle anymore, since we found some of those now?

Keep those goalposts moving, guys. You're only hurting yourselves in the end.

Posted by CD on June 17, 2004 06:50 PM
Semi-Intelligent Comments

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