June 18, 2004


Why do things like this keep happening without a response from us? We all knew Saudi Arabia was trouble, but now they're harboring terrorists. What are you waiting for, Dubya?

Dang it, this makes me mad in so many ways.

On that note, I have an important announcement to make later. Look for that around 8 PM.

By "Them," I mean "terrorists."

This is what should happen after these incidents.

(Thanks, BD.)

Posted by CD on June 18, 2004 05:07 PM
Semi-Intelligent Comments

Easy there, CD... Killing them all isn't the solution, even if we're able (which we're not, in a practical sense).

We just have to keep on doing what we're doing.. building up Iraq, promoting democracy in the Middle East, and capturing or killing every terrorist we can get our hands on.

Promoting democracy will be big though. Right now, the people of the region have a lot of things to be angry about regarding their own governments and societies. But the only direction they're allowed to direct their anger is toward us.

Give them democracy and they'll be able to express their frustration in other (hopefully more constructive) ways.

That said, I really hope the three terrorists the Saudis reportedly killed today are the ones responsible for the murder of Paul Johnson. They had it coming.

Posted by: BD at June 18, 2004 06:27 PM

"They've made this world a more dangerous place. They want us dead. They want us maimed. They want us no more.
The least we could do, is return the favor."

Cavuto says it better than I ever could.

Posted by: Katherine at June 18, 2004 07:15 PM
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