July 12, 2004

Michael Moore Apologist Script

I'm going to try something a little different today. I'm using the techniques of Jeff G. to create a piece that fans of Michael Moore can use to defend his work. This should cover just about everything:

[Moonbat] Why are you right wing neocons questioning Michael Moore? He's a true patriot and you're just a bunch of oil loving warmongering chickenhawks who hate this country because you don't question your AWOL leader who stole the White House and murdered brown people! Michael Moore is a genius because he makes people think and he provides a contrast to the Republican mouthpieces in the corporate media who covered up Bushchimpler's lies and forced Disney to cancel F911's release. Why are you acting like Moore is a liar when he makes movies? Movies don't have to be true. Are you going to complain about everything on Moviemistakes.com because they're not perfect? Every director manipulates the truth. It's part of filmmaking. You can't show the truth because everybody interprets it in their own way and there is no real truth. The right wing media does the same thing but you don't complain about them because you've been brainwashed by Big Brother and Karl Rove with their mean-spirited crushing of dissent, haven't you? You don't really think he's a liar. You're just afraid because someone finally had the courage to speak out against the abuses of power by the fictitious president, even in this repressive environment where you're not allowed to question your leaders for fear of being called unpatriotic. Why are you questioning Michael Moore's patriotism? He loves this country more than anyone I know, but sometimes, you have to use tough love and point out everything that's wrong and tell us how much better Canada is because they have no gun violence and no racism and they leave their doors unlocked at night and they'll give you money just for saying hello because they're not racist American cowboys who hate everything but money and oil. And stop calling him a socialist! He's from Flint, Michigan, and he knows how hurtful capitalism is to people who weren't lucky enough to be born wealthy like the Thief In Chief, so he's just telling people how they can improve their lives. You call him an elitist when it's clear that he's just another working class American who saw the truth and worked his way to fame but he doesn't want other people to have to do all that work he did so he's trying to make life fair for everyone. Okay, so maybe "Fahrenheit 9/11" isn't 100% true, but what movie is?! If he's such a horrible director, why did he win the Palme d'Or? And don't tell me the French gave it to him because only one judge was French and nobody likes Bush that's why Moore won because he tells the truth by making you interpret the facts in the right way instead of being manipulated into supporting a coked up flight suit plastic turkey liar who sat there reading about goats for 7 minutes while the country was under attack. You know what? I don't even believe you! You're only against Moore because you disagree with him! Just because Moore's films go against your opinion doesn't mean they're full of lies. If he's such a liar, why hasn't he been sued for slander or libel? You can't prove that he lies just by referring me to hate sites like Moorewatch and Bowling for Truth because they're doing the same thing as you, calling him a liar because they've been tricked into supporting the right wing fascist regime. Moore is important to this country because he tries to make a point so who cares whether his films are true? Movies are supposed to be entertainment, so as long as you come out of the theater hating Bush, it doesn't matter how many false facts were in it, and since he's a humorist anyway, you shouldn't expect him to tell the truth all the time. You poopy-head. [/Moonbat]

Let me know if I missed anything, and I'll add it in.

Posted by CD on July 12, 2004 03:52 PM
Semi-Intelligent Comments


Think you about covered it.

Posted by: Harvey at July 15, 2004 03:53 PM
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