July 23, 2004

Excuse Me While I Vomit In Disgust

I was browsing the New York Times letters to the editor, and one from this section caught my eye. Maybe it's just me, but I find this rather appalling:

In "Owning Up to Abortion" (column, July 22), Barbara Ehrenreich shines the spotlight on a fallacy that endangers the fight to protect reproductive rights. Those women who have convinced themselves that terminating defective fetuses "isn't really abortion" are playing into the hands of the anti-choice movement.

Several things about this disgust me. First of all, every time I hear the phrase "reproductive rights" being used to describe abortion, it makes me want to find the person using it and beat talk some frickin' sense into their tiny mind. You have every right in the world to reproduce. You do not have a "right" to murder your unborn child because it would be inconvenient. If you don't want a child, you shouldn't be doing things that would result in pregnancy. How hard is this to understand?

Of course, this letter isn't talking about accidental pregnancies per se. You see, this is all about "terminating defective fetuses." Just say that a few times. "Terminating defective fetuses."


Defective fetuses.

Defective. Fetuses.

Rolls right off the tongue, doesn't it? Hey, idiot: WHAT THE F**K? IT'S A HUMAN CHILD, NOT A DEFECTIVE F**KING FETUS. And they wonder why we pro-lifers draw parallels between abortion and eugenics. "Defective fetuses." That's just evil. I'm sorry, but there's no other word. They're acting like a baby is just a disposable product that you can return to the manufacturer if you're not 100% satisfied. This is yet another reason I have no faith in humanity. People consistently fail to meet even my lowest expectations of decency. Unbelievable.

Oh, but I'm the one who's "anti-choice," right? My side would prefer that children have the choice to BE F**KING BORN, but we're "anti-choice." Check out the next section:

As I felt acutely last year when I underwent one at 17 weeks, those terminations are very much the same abortions that are currently under such dire threat.

Oh, I'm sorry, are the mean anti-choice crusaders threatening your right to commit infanticide, you sick f**k? We wouldn't want you to have to deal with a "defective fetus" all by yourself, after all.

You know, even though she's probably talking about babies who either threaten the life of the mother or have serious disorders before they're born, I can't get over the callous use of the term "defective fetuses." Just because they're not perfect doesn't mean they're not human.

You people really do make me sick.

Posted by CD on July 23, 2004 02:37 AM
Semi-Intelligent Comments

Hey, why shouldn't they have that right?

"The amniocentesis says my kid might have Down's!!! I must terminate this defective fetus immediately! Otherwise the plan to create a master race will be thwar... oh, sorry..."

No, wait, that can't be right. Us CONSERVATIVES are all like Hitler, not the other way around. Must've got my facts mixed up somewhere.

Posted by: Army NCO Guy at July 24, 2004 10:25 PM
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