July 28, 2004


Have you ever noticed that when you try to find something you haven't seen in a while, you end up finding everything you've lost over the past 5 years, but you never find the thing you were looking for?

Well, it happens to me, at least.

Also, when you're a college student like me, there's always the additional fear that your mother threw away the thing you wanted while you were at school.

(I still haven't found it, by the way)

Posted by CD on July 28, 2004 09:16 PM
Semi-Intelligent Comments

Yeah, I hate that.
I actually found my 8th grade algebra notebook the other day... from 1997-98. How useful.

Posted by: Katherine at July 28, 2004 09:38 PM

Try looking for it with a flashlight. I know, it sounds weird, but it always workd for me.

Posted by: tommy at July 28, 2004 11:26 PM

What if the flashlight is the thing you're looking for?

Posted by: CD at July 28, 2004 11:52 PM

You only have ONE flashlight? I have at least four within three feet of my present location (obsessive compulsive? i don't know what you are talking about :-) but seriously, in that case, pull out the oxy-acetaline (or MAPPOX) torch, some 10 times brighter than the sun. That should do it.

Posted by: tommy at July 29, 2004 07:12 PM

I'm not actually looking for a flashlight. It was a hypothetical question.

I don't have any flashlights that work, now that I think about it.

Posted by: CD at July 29, 2004 07:19 PM
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