September 01, 2004

Long Shot, But Still An Idea

Hey, remember how I mentioned that Michael Moore is coming to Syracuse at some point? I'm pretty sure it's true and not just a rumor, so I need a plan.

You may also remember that I work for HillTV, "...the largest and oldest all student-run television station in the nation."

Last semester, I worked for Syracuse Live, which was a sketch comedy show at the time. However, they're doing something different this year. Syracuse Live is now going to be more of a current events show, and the sketches are going to be part of a new show called "Null and Void." I'm planning to work for both (writing for N&V and production for SL), but I've only heard from the Syracuse Live people. Are you still with me? That's good, because this is the fun part.

Traditionally, when people come to perform or speak at Syracuse, someone from HillTV does an interview. Syracuse Live will probably be doing a lot more of these now that it's an exclusively non-fiction program. This means there's a good chance someone will have to interview Moore when he comes here.

Do you see where I'm going with this?

If I get the opportunity to interview Mikey, should I take it? As far as I know, nobody at the TV station knows that I'm a conservative, so they'd never see it coming. I can see it now...

CD: Mr. Moore, how do your fans in Hezbollah feel about the success of the film?
Moore: What kind of question is that? SHAME ON YOU!

Seriously, I don't know if they're doing an interview, but if they are...this could be sweet.

Posted by CD on September 1, 2004 09:06 PM
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