September 01, 2004

Facts? What Are Those

I just read the most intelligent letter to the editor I've ever seen! Check it out:

Re "The Natural: Giuliani Plays the Role of Backer With Relish" (news article, Aug. 31):

As the World Trade Center was falling, do you really think that Rudy Giuliani said to the police commissioner, Bernard Kerik, "Bernie, thank God George Bush is our president"?

I'm a New Yorker. Puh-leeze.

Well, you've changed my mind! Rhetorical questions and hyphens are just too powerful for my inferior mind to resist!

Blatant sarcasm aside, does this guy think he's made some kind of point? His letter has about the same intellectual effect as calling Bush a poopy-head.

Has anyone found a place where people think for themselves yet? I'd really like to go there sometime.

Posted by CD on September 1, 2004 11:58 PM
Semi-Intelligent Comments

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