September 07, 2004

Could You Possibly Be More Immature?

I never thought I'd be saying this, but John "F**k Up" Kerry is turning into a bigger joke than Howard Dean. Is this the best he can do?

As the president likes to say, there’s nothing complicated about it. It does all come down to one letter -- W. George W. Bush. What do you think that W stands for? That W stands for wrong. Wrong choices, wrong direction for America. And this election all comes down to one decision: Do we want four more years of wrong choices, or do we want to move America in a new direction?

That's IT? Out of all the things you could've possibly said about Bush, you chose to come up with a fictional middle name? You can't be serious. There's no freakin' way you're serious. This is just a joke, right? You're going to have actual ideas at some point, aren't you?

What's even more pathetic is that the useful idiots on the left are eating it up like delicious candy.

"W stands for wrong! YAY! That explains everything! There's no way the sheeple will vote for Bushchimpler now!"

I'm still searching for that place where people think for themselves.

Posted by CD on September 7, 2004 04:11 PM
Semi-Intelligent Comments

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