September 07, 2004

Because I Can

The SU Drumline website has some new photo galleries up. A couple of the pictures have me in them, so I took a screen grab of one. Why? Because snare drum is the coolest instrument in marching band, and I want to prove that I play it now. Heh:

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Fear my powers of rhythm. Fear them, for they shall destroy the unworthy.

...In other news, I just spent 3 hours shooting a 2 minute sequence for my TRF class, so my brain isn't working right. Can you tell?

Posted by CD on September 7, 2004 10:56 PM
Semi-Intelligent Comments

I feel your pain, i once ran camera for a friend of mine during her student film. 2.5 hours of film for a 28 second fight scene. I'll just say i was glad i was BEHIND the camera.

Posted by: tommy at September 8, 2004 12:04 AM

Remember that Nickelodeon show "Hey Dude?" In one episode they hypnotised someone and "Snare Drum" was the key word for the guy to howl like a wolf. Ever since... it's been bad. A friend and I howl when someone says "Snare Drum."

But you don't quite look like a drumming badass...


Posted by: dogtulosba at September 12, 2004 02:29 PM
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