All right, my last post established that I love the whole visual production thing...but still...TRF is friggin' insane.
I think I know why it's so hard to get accepted to Syracuse if you choose TRF as your major: If too many people started talking about how friggin' insane the first production course gets, nobody would ever want to take it.
Holy crap, blogging is going to be light for the next 3 months. But it'll be worth it when I'm a famous director, and you can all say that you knew me back when I still gave away the ice cream for free. Because you'll be paying me for my writing in a few years.
That's right!
*Goes back to reading 100+ page editing manual*
Here's a sample of the exciting material I'm studying right now:
There are dozens and dozens more pages like that. Good times, indeed.
Here's an actual quote from the same editing manual:
As this manual continues, you will notice more pictorial guides. Most of the images come from screenshots of the FCP4 systems we use in the edit suites. Like the Denny's™ menu (I recommend the Moons Over My Hammy©), you can trust that you'll get what you see...even at 4AM.
These people are bizarre.
Here's one more screen shot I found amusing:
Posted by CD on September 9, 2004 10:09 PMTell that guy to try the All-American Slam. There's nothing better in the world than scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese. (Except Swiss Cake Rolls, of course.) Denny's rules.
Posted by: Army NCO Guy at September 12, 2004 08:08 PM"Bad things"?
CD, your book was written by a stoner.
"...but... duuude... the mariJUANA, mannn... it, you know, helps with the creative PROCESSES, man, so I can, you know, WRITE. I'm hungry, dude. Anybody up for a Denny's run?"
Posted by: Army NCO Guy at September 12, 2004 09:02 PM