Just because I'm avoiding studying for as long as possible, I thought I'd provide some highlights from a conversation I just had with my roommate. This may be one of those "you had to be there" things, but...it's my blog, and I was there, so that gives me the authority to write about it.
NS= Roommate
CD= CD (obviously)
Quotation marks= One of us doing an impression of a politician
Horizontal line= New segment
As always, this is not verbatim, but the important parts are at least close
"Senator Kerry, you said earlier that you still would've gone to war with Iraq even if you knew that Saddam didn't have WMD. Could you explain that?"
"What? I never said that! Are you working for Karl Rove?"
NS: "Well, when I was in Vietnam..."
CD: But he doesn't say anything.
NS: He'll be like, "You need to vote for me," and Cheney will just be like, "Yeah...shut the f**k up."
CD: Cheney's going to massacre Edwards. He'll probably end up saying, "I have better hair, so I think I should be the winner of this debate."