October 06, 2004

Edwards' 1.5 Americas

You know, John Edwards is known for saying that there are "2 Americas," but based on last night's debate, he apparently sees 1.5. The 1 consists of "the American people," and the .5 consists of corporations and businesses. Look at a direct quote from the debate:

They had a choice on allowing prescription drugs into this country from Canada, of being with the American people or with the drug companies. They were with the drug companies.

They had a choice on negotiating discounts in the Medicare prescription drug bill of being with the American people or with the drug companies. They were with the drug companies.

They had a choice on the patients' bill of rights, allowing people to make their own health care decisions and not having insurance companies make them, be with the American people, be with the big insurance companies.

They're with the insurance companies.

John Kerry and I will always fight for the American people.

Just look at that for a second. Notice that Edwards draws a clear distinction between drug and insurance companies and "the American people."

I don't get it.

Are those companies not financed and run by Americans? Do they not do business in America? What aspect of drug and insurance companies makes them different in the eyes of Waffles Jr.? They're composed of American people, so why should they not be considered part of that group?

Kerry/Edwards: Because financial success is un-American.

Posted by CD on October 6, 2004 01:16 PM
Category: Liberal Stupidity
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