April 11, 2005

Double-Edged Sword of the Day

You know what I like, maybe even more than tours of the campus? I like to get up at 9:45 AM on a Monday, make the 10 minute walk to my 10:35 geography lecture, and see a sign on the door of the auditorium that says "CLASS CANCELLED." Because there's nothing quite like wasting an hour of your life.

On the other hand...hey, no geography today.

Posted by CD on April 11, 2005 10:45 AM
Category: College
Semi-Intelligent Comments

I did that in high school. 2 inches of snow and ice on the roads (in Notrh Carolina, that's a lot :-), and a 2 hour delay. I drove the 4 miles in 45 minutes only to find that they'd canceled school 10 minutes before i got there. So now i get to go slip-slidey back home. 1 hour 45 minutes that i lost sledding down the hill behind my house. Now THAT'S travesty. But yeah, on the up side, no school.

Posted by: tommy at April 11, 2005 12:31 PM

I feel for ya.

I woke up the other day, drove out to campus, walked across campus only to find that my first class was cancelled. I waited until my second class, twiddling my thumbs because I usually have no break, so there's no reason for me to bring work to do. Second class - cancelled. And my third? The professor didn't show up.

It's fun stuff.

Posted by: Katherine at April 11, 2005 04:55 PM
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