Well, my Internet connection just recovered from another 12 hour failure. Let's review recent events. In the past five days:
- My Internet connection went down twice
- My blog was inaccessible for an entire day
- The power at my house went out
Yep. The universe is plotting against me again...
Posted by CD on June 12, 2005 06:32 PM | TrackBackI got the same kinda thing going on. The Internet, the power, and now the cable (when the power's on) are taking turns crapping out. Every time I have time to write something, and no writer's block, I can't post anything for one reason or another. I've got like twelve posts lined up to write, and it's anybody's guess when or if they'll ever get posted. Argh.
Posted by: Army NCO Guy at June 12, 2005 08:28 PM