November 27, 2005

Time Flies

*Blows dust off blog*


Worst. Open. Thread. EVER.

Anyway, I'm back in Syracuse and back in action. I actually had my computer with me the whole time I was in Pittsburgh, but there really wasn't that much to write about. I was thinking of reviewing my Thanksgiving dinner experiences, but other than my grandfather complaining about Germans and "niggers" moving into his neighborhood and my uncle calling President Bush a liar (did you know that Iraq has no power and no water because of the war? It must be true, because he heard it from an Iraqi...who lives in California), there wasn't really much to tell.

Anyway, don't expect any huge posts in the near future. I've got a script to write and a test to study for. But if anything really important comes up, it'll be here.

Laterz, yo.

Posted by CD on November 27, 2005 04:16 PM | TrackBack
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