January 31, 2009


Congress Gives Itself a $93,000 Raise

I guess that only certain people's wealth should be spread around.

Have I ever mentioned my strong support for congressional term limits?

Posted by CD on January 31, 2009 06:05 PM | TrackBack
Category: Liberal Stupidity
Semi-Intelligent Comments

How about, upon votes of pay increases, said pay increases are enacted for the next sitting congressman. that is, anyone who votes for the pay increase is voting so for the next guy in the position, knowing that he won't see it (unless he gives up/loses his seat, then wins it again at a later date. this will stop the whole "vote yourself rich" scheme.

Posted by: tommy at February 1, 2009 12:59 PM

Off topic, but did yinz guys see da Stillers win da Sooper Bole 'nat?

Oh, hey, I'm still alive. Back in Bama. How's my retarded yinzer accent?

Posted by: The Mulatto Maker at February 1, 2009 10:17 PM

Well, I didn't actually see it (no TV reception + unreliable Internet connection + old, slow, suicidal computer = CD can't watch sports right now), but I'm aware of it. At least one team from Pittsburgh won something this year.

On another note, where have you been, dude? I notice you disappeared right around the time that Jordan Staal was ruining Chris Osgood's life...


How about, upon votes of pay increases, said pay increases are enacted for the next sitting congressman. that is, anyone who votes for the pay increase is voting so for the next guy in the position, knowing that he won't see it (unless he gives up/loses his seat, then wins it again at a later date. this will stop the whole "vote yourself rich" scheme.

Interesting idea, although there could be an issue with different congressmen earning different salaries at the same time, etc. I still think term limits are the answer to that and a lot of other problems. Think about it...won't they be more inclined to make decisions that benefit their constituents if they know they're going to be living among said constituents again at a certain date?

Posted by: CD at February 2, 2009 01:38 AM
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