February 13, 2009

Out with the Old, In with the Awesome (Alternate Title: Change I Can Believe In)


I finally, finally, finally got a new computer. Hooray.

You want specifics? No? Too bad!

My new friend is an Intel iMac 20" with a 2.66 GHz processor, 2 GB of memory, and a 500 GB hard drive. This thing is fucking fast.

For your enjoyment/envy, here are some pictures:

Of course, you may have also noticed my PowerBook in those pictures. For all the complaining I've done, I have to give it credit for staying alive long enough for me to transfer all my important files. It's gone from this (2006):

To this (2009):

In those three years, all of the following suffered severe damage and/or stopped functioning completely:

- The keyboard
- The rear left fan
- The CD/DVD drive
- Both USB ports
- The headphone jack
- The internal speakers
- Two power adapters
- The battery

In addition, it fell off my desk about a dozen times (which caused a lot of the aforementioned damage and made the duct tape necessary), I spilled a cup of water on it while it was plugged in, and I struck it in anger with my fists/elbows quite a few times when it shut itself off or acted weird. Despite all that, it still kind of works. It's like the Grigori Rasputin of computers or something.

In any case, it can finally retire, and I can go about the business of finding employment without having to deal with all the frustration it was causing. Should be fun.

Posted by CD on February 13, 2009 01:16 AM | TrackBack
Semi-Intelligent Comments


Posted by: 钢托盘 at March 22, 2009 12:42 AM
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