August 16, 2010


As mentioned in the previous post, I got bored while I was computerless and started messing around with my digital camera. The following images are just some of the results. As always, pics can be clicked for larger size.

First, here are some of the many-legged little bastards I spend so much time complaining about here. If I have to look at them, then so do you.

This one was near the ceiling in the living room:

Let's take a closer look:

Have I mentioned that I've now killed 109 110 of these things, and that one wasn't one of them?

Of course, it's not just the big ones, because they reproduce this time of year. Thanks to macro mode, I got some disturbingly detailed pedeling shots. This one was in the hallway:

And here's one that was polite enough to pose for me in the kitchen:

Incidentally, because of centipedes and other annoying creatures, here's what the wall next to my desk looks like:

I really should clean that.

I also ran into my old nemesis, the sac spider, in the living room the other day. Since it was resting, I fired up macro mode again and got these shots:

More in the extended entry, not all pest-related, if you're interested...

I found a fly in the kitchen that had been snagged by a spider and got these pretty cool shots:

Here's a cicada that landed on a window:

And here we have a couple of house spiders, which I really don't mind:

Rounding out the "things that are or were alive" category, here are some woodlice that wandered into one of my traps:

And finally, some miscellaneous shots. First, an awesome sunrise over New York City:

Next, an artistic shot through the peephole of my apartment's front door:

And if you've ever wondered what the top of a pepper shaker looks like really close up, here you go:

This photography stuff is kinda fun.

Posted by CD on August 16, 2010 09:53 PM | TrackBack
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