October 26, 2003

And this, Children, is Cognitive Dissonance (includes a fisking) 

I had to post this. It's hilarious. I was on Democratic Underground yet again (the mainstream media isn't providing me with any interesting material, so I had to go digging through the compost heap), and I noticed a very interesting development on the message board. It's early, so I can't tell where it's headed, but apparently some people are convinced that Dubya called Iraq an imminent threat, despite the fact that, after hours of searching, they can't find one quote to back up this claim. One guy is even "1000% sure" of it! I can't believe I didn't start reading that site earlier. Somebody needs to find where these people are living, dig them out of their underground bunkers, and confiscate their tinfoil hats (read the endorsement of Dennis Kucinich if you don't believe this one) before they cause any serious damage. You can check this out for yourself here.

I couldn't let this one go. There's another discussion on DU (there are so many things this could stand for, but I'm not going to sink to that level) about how Bush is worse than Hussein. I'm actually going to post pieces of it here to show you how crazy these people can be.


Here is a man who put to death hundreds of his own people (Texans).
Yes, he put them to death because they deserved it. I don't see what's wrong with that. Hussein (I refuse to call him by his first name anymore because it sounds like I'm his friend) killed thousands...THOUSANDS of innocent people along with his psychotic sons and brainwashed minions. How those two situations are morally analogous is beyond me, o great and powerful master of liberal rationalization.

He used a needle instead of gas, but that distinction means little to the families of his victims.
Speaking of distinctions, would you care to explain how innocent men, women, and children can be lumped into the same category as convicted murderers who were a threat to everyone around them?

When he's done with Iraq, Bush will have invaded two countries.
Thank you, Captain Obvious. Is this supposed to convince us of anything? You seem to have forgotten about your hero Bubba Clinton attacking the exact same country. Oh, and there's this place called Kosovo you may remember. How about Bosnia? Hello? Anybody there?

He governs like he hates Americans, stealing $40,000 from every American family.
This is great. So, if you collect taxes, you hate Americans. That must mean he's at least trying, considering he's lowered taxes and provided refunds on more than one occasion. Meanwhile, Democrats are actually planning to raise taxes, but they're on a mission to "take back America." By the way, how is it "stealing?" Nobody ever came to my house, put a gun to my head, and said "GIMME YOUR MONEY!" Of course, I'm too young to pay taxes, but I don't think that happened to my parents, either. It hurts my brain trying to figure out this logic, but I'm sure you've never had that problem.

He and his father have both linked up with Al Qaeda, even arming them.
Al Qaeda? I thought they were your friends! You should be happy that we were helping those poor oppressed Muslims fend off colonization! Seriously, I'm not sure if we armed Al Qaeda itself, but I am sure that we pretty much wiped them out when they came after us. Shows what happens when you abuse a privilege.

He is the biggest threat to America in our lifetime.
He's the biggest threat to every country on Earth.

Why? Because he takes a stand on terrorism instead of letting terrorists go? Because he had the balls to take out one of the most evil human beings monsters that has ever lived? Because he is actually proud of his country? Because he spent over a year trying to gain international support for military action, and only after 12 years of failed sanctions? Because he believes that murderers deserve to be punished with death? Personally, I think that we're going to get attacked the second one of these spineless Democrats takes office, because they see terrorists as victims who don't know that killing is wrong, and therefore believe that we shouldn't retaliate. They think the best way to make America safe is to take guns away from law abiding citizens, collect all the money from the tax refunds because it still belongs to the government, and appease terrorist nations so we don't offend Muslims. George W. Bush may not be a genius (although he's certainly not the mental midget he's portrayed as; and yes, I heard a talk show host in Pittsburgh actually call him a mental midget), and life may not still be all sunshine, lollipops, puppy dogs, and ice cream for every American citizen, but I'd rather live an imperfect life than not be alive (although abortion advocates would disagree on that point). Dubya makes me nervous with his verbal slips sometimes, and his policies certainly aren't perfect, but I feel good knowing that my president is willing to stand up and take action when evil is present, because, as much as relativism has diluted that view, there is evil in the world, and it's up to the most powerful nation in history to destroy as much of it as we can. Now, kindly go back to your hippy-hole, read Noam Chomsky, and draw Hitler mustaches on pictures of Dubya if you must, but keep your uninformed mouth shut until you can come up with a better way to deal with threats to our country. Friggin' hippies...

To read these comments and several others, go here.

Posted by CD on October 26, 2003 06:32 PM
Semi-Intelligent Comments

People liek you that slander our president deserve to be the next victims of terrorist acts. As a soldier in the finest military in the world...with the greatst leader in the world, I find your comments disheartening and contemptous. I hope you have a lousy day while the rest of us fight for the freedom for you to slander us.

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