October 26, 2003

You're Speling is Bad! 

I don't have anything really important to post right now, and my semi-rant about freedom of speech seems to be holding people, but I need to write about something that I notice way too often as I surf the web. What is the deal with people insulting each other's spelling and/or grammar and then using improper spelling and grammar in the next sentence? That post title is a good example. Here's another one: I was reading the comments on Famousidiot.com, and one guy, referring to Sam Donaldson, I believe, says, "[he] didn't even know how to spell Fair and Balance." Well, apparently you don't either, moron! I hate seeing people who are on my side of an argument do things like that. I don't really want to go off on another tangent here, but spelling and grammar mistakes bother me more than about 98% of everything else that I see on a daily basis, and since I spend a good deal of time online, I see a lot of mistakes. I understand how you can make small grammatical errors (I probably make a few of them myself) or misspell a word occasionally, but some of the stuff I see is pathetic. Bad language skills destroy your credibility. A lot of people have written about this, so I won't go into a lot of detail, but the Internet has really destroyed our ability to use the English language. You learn to write from reading, and you learn to talk from listening. If crap like this is the only thing people read, they will start writing the same way. Pretty soon, they'll start talking like it because it's all they know. And don't even get me started on all the profanity that takes the place of intelligent conversation on the web. "I F***ING HATE YOU F***ING F***ERS! F**K OFF AND F***ING DIE S***HEAD!" Wow, what a great comeback. I guess you win. Once again, I've taken a topic, run it into the ground, and singlehandedly drilled a hole to the center of the planet. I think I'll stop. On a final note, I'm going to follow up on what I said earlier about trying to get more readers after a month of blogging. It's now officially been over a month, so I'm going to start trying to get publicity. At some point in the next couple days, I'm going to submit a sample post to the new blog showcase a Truthlaidbear.com, and hopefully that'll get me some attention. I'll probably use "Land of the Free" from yesterday unless I come up with something better. That should at least get people's attention. Also, I said this before, and I don't want to sound desperate, but if you do enjoy SIT, feel free to recommend it to someone who might be interested. I need all the publicity I can get. Speaking of publicity, I now have another incoming link on Pardonmyenglish.com, which brings the total of pages linking to me all the way up to 3. I've linked that page as well, and it's REALLY good, so I encourage you to go check it out. It's written by several different people, so you get more intellectual diversity, which is the one kind of diversity many liberals ignore. That's it for now, I think. I have to do some marching band stuff tonight, so I'll tell you right now that from 8:15 until probably 11:00, I won't be updating. Syracuse is hosting the New York State Field Band Championships, which means that we have to be the token college band that performs to wrap up the festivities. Hopefully, I won't fall again during the West Side Story drill. That would be a bit more embarrassing in front of an audience.

Posted by CD on October 26, 2003 02:42 PM
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