October 22, 2003

I Have Free Time Again! 

Well, today has been interesting so far. I started the morning with an oral interview in Spanish (which went horribly, in case you were wondering), and then I had to finish a test from yesterday. Luckily, I write Spanish a lot better than I speak it. After that, I had another test in my socialism sociology class, and I will once again remind you that my sociology professor is the most liberal one that I have right now. He made fun of anti-affirmative action types with one of the questions. It was something like, "Reverse racism is:" and one of the answers was, more or less, "the one and only reason some anglo men have had trouble getting jobs." Of course, the "correct" answer was, "a way for white ethnics to play the race card in public discourse." That's not reverse racism, idiot! And if it is, it's a pretty one-sided definition. Anyway, another question was, "What is homophobia?" and the correct answer was, "negative views and attitudes toward homosexuals." WHAT? So I'm homophobic even if I disagree with them now? I don't even have to call them naughty words first? I think this class is going to provide a lot more rants. Here's another fun fact: I had to read an article for the class about inequality in the garment industry or something, and the author of the article basically attacked capitalism and blamed it for all kinds of inequality issues. He actually said that we should return to a Marxist economic system to eliminate the problem. I don't know if my professor necessarily agrees with this view, but he did assign the article, so who knows? He has also said that he doesn't like labeling people liberals or conservatives, so it's hard to tell what he thinks. On a positive note, he used to be in the air force, so there may still be some sense in him. I doubt a full-blown liberal loony would've joined the armed forces voluntarily. I have to go eat lunch now, so I'll be back. I have a bit more free time now that I've gotten some of that work out of the way, but I'm still backed up, so don't expect any huge rants for a couple more days. I'll try to make up for the length of my posts by using more fun HTML tricks.

Posted by CD on October 22, 2003 11:53 AM
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