October 21, 2003

Another Status Report to End the Day 

Well, I have once again procrastinated the crap out of my free time, but I did actually manage to get a few things done, so it's not a total failure. On a more positive note, it's been a good day for SIT. Thanks in part to my hyperpublishing around 10, I have gotten more hits today than on any other day since I started keeping track (although one of them was me, so it technically doesn't count). In addition, I think I have at least one more regular reader now, but we'll see about that. And, as if that wasn't enough, I also demonstrated some of the cool new HTML techniques I learned during that time I was supposed to be studying. I plan to employ those in the future. Speaking of the future, I'm adding a bit to the links section as time goes on. I changed the "religion" part to "religion/morality," and I'm going to be adding links to pages that promote traditional Judeo-Christian values. I think I've made it pretty clear by now that I'm fairly conservative in the area of morality, and I want to make sure other people that share my views get linked. I know the "religious right" tends to bug some people, but the ones that are honest and consistent about it (as opposed to people like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell) are playing a big role in holding our society together. I think that's about it. Keep the hits coming, and remember, it's called the right wing for a reason. Later.

Posted by CD on October 21, 2003 11:14 PM
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