October 19, 2003

Sunday Status Report 

Once again, I apologize for the lack of posting this weekend. I really didn't have that much time the last couple days, and now I don't have anything particularly interesting to talk about. Also, I have to write an essay for tomorrow about how me and my younger brother have grown apart over the years, so that's probably going to take me the rest of the night. I will, however, provide a brief status report. First of all, next Saturday (October 25) is the one month blogiversary (I saw that word somewhere) of Semi-Intelligent Thoughts. For that special occasion, I'll probably write a moderately sized and fairly self-indulgent essay about how far the blog has come in that time. And, on a related note, I'm really surprised that I've had any success at all in so little time. That shows you how great the Internet is when used properly. I'll go into more detail next week, so be sure to catch that. Right now, the hit counter is at 177, and that's just from the past 15 days. I'm getting an average of 10 or 11 hits a day, which is pretty much what I expected. As I've said before, many of those are the same 4 people checking multiple times, and I want to thank them especially for their comments and support. It's good to know that someone is actually reading my opinions and occasionally agreeing with them. I'm still not sure how I'm going to go about getting a larger audience, but I did say that I would start actively seeking readers after a month, so I should start working on something. I've actually been posting comments on other blogs lately, and the main purpose of this is obviously to express opinions on their content, but I do include a link back to SIT in the hopes that maybe someone will like it. Unfortunately, none of the people who have come here through comments links have returned, so I'll probably want to try a more direct strategy if I want to bring people here. It's hard to advertise for free, but I hope there's some way to get the blog out there without posting meaningless comments or spamming message boards. I refuse to sink to that level. Again, I don't want to sound desperate, because I realize these things sometimes take more than a year to get noticed, but if you do happen to enjoy the blog, feel free to recommend it to someone. I'd prefer to rely on word of mouth instead of advertising, because honestly, ads make me angry. Don't get me started on advertising. I think I'm rambling again, so I should probably go ahead and write that essay. Remember, there's still a lot of archived stuff to read, and I will be blogging more this week, although I'll probably be cutting down a bit in order to catch up on some schoolwork. I may post again today, but that's just a possibility. Later.

Posted by CD on October 19, 2003 08:42 PM
Semi-Intelligent Comments

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