October 19, 2003

Message for Googlers 

I was going to sign off for the night, but I just got what I believe to be my third hit from somebody searching for "intelligent thoughts" on Google. So, this is a message to these people: The name of the blog is "Semi-Intelligent Thoughts." That means kinda smart, but not brilliant. I don't know why you're searching for that particular phrase, but unless you're looking for either information on what it's like playing in a college drumline or an assortment of conservative rants, you probably don't want to be here. Also, if you know or happen to be the person who came here after finding my site by searching for "topless statues" on Google, please get help. Why would you be SEARCHING for topless statues? I only mentioned the dang things because I saw a picture of John Ashcroft standing in front of one. You know what? I'm going to sleep. That is all.

Posted by CD on October 19, 2003 02:29 AM
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