February 15, 2004

Watching the (D)ebate

Okay, I just (6:50) switched on the Democratic debate. Al Sharpton is talking right now. This should be good.

Bring jobs back by cancelling NAFTA, bringing back manufacturing jobs, hiring people back, and creating jobs. Infrastructure redevelopment plan. Rebuild highways and ports in the name of homeland security. What the f**k is he talking about? He wants an unequivocal end to free trade or something. Edwards looks evil today for some reason. Kinda looks like Dick Gephardt meets Algore. Hmm...

"Jobs is the single most important issue for voters here in Wisconsin." They're gonna talk about health care next. This should be...uh...healthy.

Dean wants to repeal the tax cuts. "Wisconsinites." Is that a word? Bush cut half a million children and a million adults off health care, tuition went up. "There was no middle class tax cut." I guess that tax cut my MIDDLE CLASS family got was fictitious. Idiot. Mad How thinks raising taxes will solve all our problems. That's sure worked well in the past.

Oh, they're talking to Kookcinich. Why is he still in this race? This is actually the first time I've seen him on TV other than a clip of him saying "WHERE ARE THE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION?!" He also wants universal health care.

Kerry wants health care, job creation...he met a fellow who runs a business with 500 employees. His health care costs went up 46% last year and he lost benefits. Kerry had prostate cancer. I did not know that. "As president, I will roll back [George W. Bush's] tax cut for wealthy Americans." You idiots. He wants to close the loophole for companies like Tyco that apparently do business outside the U.S. How horrible!

Gloria Borger has a lazy eye. I don't know if anyone else noticed that. She scares me.

You know, for a debate, there's not a lot of disagreement. They all want to raise taxes and fund universal health care so they can initiate some phantom job creation that nobody but Sharpton has actually tried to explain.

Edwards wants to help the 35 million Americans living in poverty out.

Here come the questions about Kerry's waffling. This should be good. "They're not inconsistent at all." HAHAHAHAHAHA! He likes NCLB, he just doesn't like George Bush running it. Same as your position on how he managed to "f**k up" the war, right?

The problem with the PATRIOT Act is John Ashcroft because he doesn't respect the Constitution. Kerry wants to kill the PA and rewrite it. JFK wants to bring back the Clinton economy. Better find more interns. Those seem to help.

Where exactly is Kucinich's accent from, anyway? It sounds like he's switching every time he talks. Now he's talking about waste, like self defense. Wow.

Sharpton again. He shouldn't be there either. "What is your priorities while you are doing deficit spending." I'm glad our politicians have such good grammar. Sharpton's right hand wants to hurt your family. You can tell if you watch it long enough. Sharpton was born in a deficit. Apparently the audience likes that one.

Voucher time. Why can't all parents have the opportunity? Sharpton says: The parent who has a child who didn't get a voucher says the same thing. Government's job is not to see-lect some students. "If your children is one of the children who didn't get a voucher." This guy thinks he's qualified to talk about education?

Here come audience questions. This should be entertaining. 1st question: Higher education...with tuition costs dramatically rising for public universities, how would you ensure ...crap, I lost track of what she was saying.

Now Mad How is dodging the question to talk about how good health care is in Vermont. Too bad nobody ASKED. Here comes higher education again: Dean wants to work with 8th grade kids, and give them 10,000 dollars for every year in college. That's funded by the tax increase, right? He wants to make them go into public service to earn it. "You are the state's property!" (okay, he didn't say that)

Kerry says Bush has no plan to make college affordable. That's because college isn't a government institution, nitwit. Maybe it's like that in France, but not here. They want to put the national government in charge of state business. What a surprise.

He wants to pay for public education for 4 years in full, funded by raising taxes and closing overseas loopholes for companies. Next, they'll talk about war. Typing this fast is hard. I should've taken more than one keyboarding class in high school.

Dean on the war: In war, you're almost certain to lose somebody. Is this news to anyone? Dean is unusually calm tonight. When does he explode? I want to see it!

Kerry's going to explain why he voted for a war he doesn't like. Apparently, he thinks Bush did it the wrong way. The president had the authority to do what he was gonna do without Congress, just like Clinton. So Bush actually had more support than Bubba, didn't he?

We were supposed to go to war as a last resort after the inspections process, so Bush chose the wrong way and rushed the war after only 12 years of trying that strategy.

Edwards did what he believed was right, and also said that it was critical when we got to this stage that America not be doing it alone, and the president is doing it alone, even though we have a coalition of countries from all over the world. Vive le France!!!

He wants to internationalize the effort, bring in NATO (for Saudi Arabia and Iran), and get on a real timetable for Iraqi self-government.

Kucinich: Did Bush knowingly lie to the American people about WMD, and why would he do that? He thinks the administration knew Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, Al Qaeda, or anthrax, that it wasn't trying to get uranium, and it didn't have WMD. So, Kookcinich is a "Bush lied, people died" kinda guy.

He never saw evidence that there was a reason to go to war, and we need to get out and stop this war now. "The president lied to the American people." He thinks he's going to be the next president. After that, I wouldn't put much stock in his belief that Bush lied.

I like how Sharpton and Kucinich are always together in this debate. Clearly, Bush lied, but he may not have known he was lying. That's the dumbest thing I've heard today.

"Crazy psychological breakdown." "He lied in Florida, he's lied several times, I believe he's lied in Iraq (inaudible)." "Why do people lie? I mean aigugdugugba..." What's he saying?

The facts presented to the world were not so. They knew they didn't know where the weapons were. He's subtly comparing Hussein to Bush because both of them said that Iraq had WMD.

Dean: The people surveyed ranked fear of terrorism dead last, so does that mean the president has done his job well? Dean thinks Bush gave money away to his buddies. He almost forgot to say "former" before "Soviet Union."

If bin Laden were captured, that would be important, but we're not safer from Hussein being captured. If we capture bin Laden, we'll be safer. I'm sure he'll be saying that when we find his rotting corpse.

My roommate's girlfriend, while watching the debate, said that it's "kind of stupid" that the Dems are still debating, and they should all form their own political parties. I hope that answers everyone's questions about how politically educated she is. (sigh)

Kucinich wants to be a "peace president." Tell that to Islamic terrorists, genius. Kerry is smiling at Kucinich in a condescending manner. Heh heh. Kucinich wants new hope in America for a nation that can work with the nations of the world to achieve security at home.

Dean: How will history judge the war in Iraq? We were not told the truth, and we don't know the outcome. Dean thinks Bush made no case for war. He thinks the war is responsible for bringing Al Qaeda into Iraq. I like watching Dean sputter and stutter while he tries to blame everything on Dubya.

Edwards is less sure. He wants to internationalize the effort, even though that's already been done. "Why in the world would we let George Bush define the terrain of this debate?" He has no health care plan, hundreds of thousands of people can't go to college, we've lost jobs...What will we do when we lead? "What is our bigger, broader vision for America?"

STOP RAMBLING, EDWARDS! Get to the point! I have work to do, dang it!

Here's another student talking about diversity. Oh, this should be great.

Kerry: Military service to chief prosecutor of a DA's office. He exercised affirmative action to hire prosecutors who reflected all of the minority face of the country. Here's an example: He went to Harlem in 1992, visited a building where 15 kids out of gangs and such were working, and they were rebuilding the building and learning a skill. He went back to Washington and wrote it into the law, which put it into 43 states so full citizens can have the opportunity. He didn't say anything about diversity. He just said that he helped a bunch of gang members. That sounds racist.

Sharpton: "I helped people that are non-black." He's gone to jail fighting for the rights of Latinos. He's going to lead the fight for diversity. He thinks people in D.C. don't have a right to vote. WOW. Just...wow. We're still fighting for civil rights, I guess.

Now they're talking about gay marriage. Kerry opposes gay marriage and supports civil unions. Would he support an amendment? "It depends on terminology." He thinks marriage is between a man and a woman, but he doesn't want to deny the rights that couples should have. My roommate and his girlfriend keep walking in when I'm trying to do this. It would be suspicious if I typed while watching, so I have to stop. They don't know that I blog. Heh.

Edwards takes college costs personally or something. It has to do with personal experience. Dean and Kerry want to do the right thing, but they haven't lived it.

Sharpton: Good people can have any background. "Clarence Thomas...he's my color, but he's not my kind." What a moron.

Dean on Kerry's success: Maybe it's because Kerry hasn't said "YEEEEAAAHGGH!" That's just my opinion. Dean is independent because he stood up against the war and NCLB before they were popular. Vermont's health insurance and job creation should be models for the country. Why is Dean saying "we" instead of "I?"

Last question: What role does the nomination process play in dividing the nation?

Kucinich: We can heal the country, and he wants to show the strength in America's unity. He wants us to recognize injustices done to African-Americans and Native Americans. He thinks gays, lesbians, and "transgenders" don't have the same rights even though they do.

Kerry: "I'm taking each state one state at a time." Makes sense, except that STATES DON'T HAVE THEIR OWN STATES! "People that want clean air and clean water to breathe." Can't leave out the all-important mermaid vote.

Oh, it's over. Why did I stick around for that? Maybe I'll watch Scarborough for a few minutes now. If you just read all the way through that, I really feel sorry for you. That is all.

Posted by CD on February 15, 2004 08:00 PM
Semi-Intelligent Comments

funded by raising taxes and closing overseas loopholes for companies

That's a new one. Geez, don't the Dems have any new ideas? Closing loopholes would be nice, but there are two problems:

1) More companies would then leave the US (bad)
2) Who do you think winds up paying for the companies taxes? [hint: where's their revenue come from?]

Did you catch the quasi-documentary on Ronald Reagan on MSNBC?

Posted by: jaws at February 15, 2004 10:12 PM

Okay, on the loopholes thing, I was just transcribing what I heard. I actually don't know anything about the topic. That's kind of pathetic, now that I think about it. Have I mentioned that I hate economics?

I didn't see the Reagan thing, either.

Posted by: CD at February 15, 2004 10:30 PM

The loopholes thing is something the Dems always fail to point out in their talks. I don't like econ much either, but I know the bare-bones basics, from reading the pundits et. al

As for the Reagan things, the host (Brian Williams) tried to malign him while introducing clips. I was just facinated though.

Posted by: jaws at February 15, 2004 11:32 PM

Here's more good dirt:

and http://www.gop.com/RNCResearch/read.aspx?ID=3917

Gotta love it.

Posted by: jaws at February 15, 2004 11:34 PM

The correct term is "chedderheads"

Posted by: Minnesota at February 16, 2004 11:30 AM

Nice post, CD.

"hundreds of thousands of people can't go to college"

Shit, has he ever heard of junior college? Out here you can get a pretty good education for like $15 a unit. Making college an entitlement, like welfare would be a disaster.

Sharpton: "If your children is one of the children who didn't get a voucher . . ." WTF? He doesn't understand how vouchers work. Everyone gets one, dumbass.

Posted by: annika at February 16, 2004 08:39 PM

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