May 15, 2004

Die Arachnids Die

Have I mentioned that the spiders in my house are creatures of pure, unadulterated evil? I was just sitting here at the computer, minding my own business, and this big brown spider came racing down the wall out of friggin' nowhere and tried to hide behind a shelf. I managed to crush it with a wad of napkins (I was trying to enjoy a delicious bag of popcorn at the moment), but I'm still spooked now. Where the f**k did that thing come from? It just appeared!

I hate spiders so much. Which you probably figured out from the fact that I'm willing to blog about them at 12:30 in the morning.

Posted by CD on May 15, 2004 12:41 AM
Semi-Intelligent Comments

Ew. Those little yellowish spiders are nasty creatures too.

Bats can also be a bit.. uh, disturbing. I was volunteering at the mall today, and the cop I was working with left.. and I saw this thing crawling across the floor. From a distance I thought it was a huge bug. Then it flew - back and forth and all around, hanging on things, crawling. Then I lost track of it, but luckily looked down before I stepped or I would have had a soft, flapping, screeching thing under my foot.
When the cop came back I got to watch two of them try to catch it in a garbage bin. (They succeeded.)
That was more than enough excitement for the day.

Posted by: Katherine at May 15, 2004 09:11 PM

Eeekkk...I'm not a phobic about spiders, but I still do not want them close to me.

Posted by: The Sicilian at May 16, 2004 12:39 AM
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