June 28, 2004

Political Roundup

*cough cough* Wow...*cough* Insecticide *cough cough* can really screw up your breathing. *cough* But it had to be done. *cough* Friggin' spiders were building webs all over my bedroom again. *cough* So it was worth it. *coooooough*

Anyway, I want to do a quick review of some of the events of the last few days. Nothing major, just a a way to get back into the routine. Let's get started.

- Iraq is now a sovereign nation. Beautiful. Elections are coming in January, the "insurgents" will be viewed as anti-Iraqi terrorists, and the U.S. troops can be seen as protectors instead of occupiers.

Of course, don't expect this to derail the LLL crowd. They just think it's a puppet government, and they've decided that since we can't immediately pull all our troops out of the country, we've failed. Hey, tell that to the troops in every other country we've helped out. Someone tell Germany that they're not really a sovereign nation!

In addition, you may have also seen the DU take on this event. Evidently, it was all a trick to get Michael Moore's new crapumentary out of the headlines. I guess that's why the Iraqi prime minister was the one who made the decision. Morons.

- The sovereign nation of Iraq will soon have custody of Saddam Hussein. Hopefully, he'll be begging to be put in a naked pyramid by the time they're through with him. I have no sympathy for monsters.

- Cheney's F-bomb. Okay, I know some people are applauding him for standing up to Leaky Leahy, or whatever he's called, but I have to disagree. Dick Cheney is the vice president of the United States. It's his responsibility to be civil no matter how much douchebaggery he endures from the other side. Especially when we have a press that will descend on any Republican shortcomings like vultures on a dead elephant. I still think Dubya needs a new VP.

- Gorebot's speech. You know, I don't think I'm even going to bother fisking this. I found so many factual errors just skimming through it that it would take way too much time to refute the whole thing. Besides, other people who know more than me have already taken him apart pretty thoroughly.

As for the "Digital Brown Shirts" comment...wow. This is what it's come to. So, we can't question your patriotism, but you can compare us to Nazis? I pity you and your entire philosophy. And besides, if Bush was really Hitler, don't you think he would have had you arrested before you could point out that he was Hitler? I mean...Hitler had people killed if he even thought they were plotting against him. Bush must be the laziest Nazi ever.

Using freedom of speech to claim that you don't have freedom of speech: priceless.

- Speaking of Hitler, let's talk about this new Bush campaign ad. I love how the AP reported it as "Hitler Image Used in Bush Campaign Web Ad." Kinda like how the 9/11 Commission reported "no connections between Iraq and Al Qaeda," right?

First, a criticism of the ad itself: They should've left the Hitler thing out. I know that it's from a MoveOn ad, you know that it's from a MoveOn ad, and they made sure to point it out after they showed the clips, but they should. have. seen. this. coming. Did they think the media was going to report this factually after the 9/11 debacle? OPEN YOUR EYES! You don't. Use. Hitler. Even if it's to point out that your opponent compared you to Hitler. At least show Al Gore or George Soros making the comparison. MoveOn isn't considered "mainstream" enough.

Now, a criticism of the left's reaction: ARE YOU FREAKING RETARDED?! Allow me to sum up the general sentiment:

"They used Hitler and Democrats in the same ad! That must mean they're trying to compare them to Hitler, just like they made everyone think Saddam Hussein attacked us by mentioning him in the same speech as Al Qaeda!"

Of course, none of the "enlightened" liberals make the connection between Democrats and Hitler, but surely, the uneducated sheeple watching the ad will be fooled. That's why they need to suckle at the left-wing nanny state's teat instead of accepting tax cuts and the 2nd Amendment.

- Beheadings and hostages. What is it going to take? How many more people need to die before the rest of the country realizes that we're dealing with the greatest threat to humanity since the fall of the Soviet Union? And by the way, liberals, these are the poor, innocent victims you want to protect under the Geneva Conventions, despite the fact that those same rules specifically forbid taking hostages and killing civilians on purpose, which would make them ILLEGAL COMBATANTS. We need to adopt the old English punishment for treason to deal with these b@stards. And that would still be too good for them.

- Finally, in personal news, the gas company has decided that they need to install a new line or something, so they dug a gigantic hole in my backyard. I'm not kidding, this thing is massive. They had to uproot our shrubberies and everything. I'll get a picture of it when I have the chance.

That's all for now, but there's plenty more on the way.


Posted by CD on June 28, 2004 04:55 PM
Semi-Intelligent Comments

Can you keep a secret?

Make the Electric Company show you their ID. And, watch closely to ensure they are not planting any large egg-shaped seeds in the hole. You wouldn't want an Alien Tree to grow.

In other news, please see my story on Michael Moore at mynameisphil.com


Posted by: phil hill at June 29, 2004 12:16 AM
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