July 01, 2004

I'm Not Just Like This On the Internet

I just had a brief but interesting conversation with my dad (who we'll call "BD" here). Here's my recollection:

BD: Do you want to see "Fahrenheit 9/11?"

CD: Phht. There's already a website that's found about 20 false claims in that movie.

BD: Yeah, you'd probably come out of there mad anyway.

CD: Actually, I'd probably beat up the people cheering at the end.

BD: Oh. You should wait until it comes out on video.

I'm also a right-wing nut in everyday life. Heh.


- This wasn't exactly verbatim

- My dad is a Republican, but he pretty much thinks Bush and Kerry are both incompetent. I think he's voting for Nader.

Posted by CD on July 1, 2004 05:46 PM
Semi-Intelligent Comments

At least he understands you!

Posted by: The Sicilian at July 1, 2004 06:13 PM

I would almost consider seeing it.. just to see it (and so i know what 90% of my coworkers are talking about..) but then I think about 1. the audience I'd have to watch it with (I'm not a violent person.. but that could change), and 2. putting money in Moore's pocket is not something I'd like to do.

Posted by: Katherine at July 1, 2004 09:23 PM
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