July 01, 2004

Question of the Day

If Bush had backed down and stayed out of Iraq due to "international opinion" or something, would the left be criticizing him for ignoring the threat of WMD and making the country less secure? Would Kerry promise to take Saddam Hussein out of power in the first 6 months of his presidency? Would the tinfoil-hatters at DU accuse the "neocon cabal" of coddling a dictator so we can have oil, rather than doing what's right for our safety?

I really believe it would be like this. You see, I'm finally starting to understand this idea of "nuance:"

Bush=Evil. It's that simple! If Bush does it, it's bad! So all you have to do in order to be right is disagree with Bush!

Posted by CD on July 1, 2004 10:23 PM
Semi-Intelligent Comments

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