Now that the same-sex marriage debate seems to be heating up again, I'm seeing a lot more arguments such as this:
Even if being gay was a choice - an argument that I find absurd, who would want to choose to be something that makes you the target of hatred and discrimination...
Yeah, it's the old "being gay isn't a choice because nobody would choose to be gay" argument. Now, I'm actually in the middle on this issue. I think that a person can't choose to be homosexual, but he can choose to be gay. But that's an entirely separate post.
No, what I want to refute here is the asinine notion that nobody would choose a lifestyle that would make them subject to discrimination.
Hey, I chose to be a Republican. I'm planning to work in the entertainment industry. Does anyone seriously think I'm not going to be discriminated against? And yet, it's still my choice.
I'm glad we could clear this up.
Posted by CD on July 27, 2004 07:41 PM