July 29, 2004

You. Have. Got. To. Be. F**king. Kidding. Me.

Pakistan caught a terrorist? It must be a trick to draw attention away from the DNC convention!

And before you chalk this up to more DU moonbattery, read this.

Ace says it best:

At this point they -- meaning Marshall and his paranoid-fringe brethren at DU (except they're not fringe anymore; the liberals have embraced their inner lunatic) -- are actively on Al Qaeda's side. Any victory Bush scores against Al Qaeda is a victory against Kerry. Ergo, they're praying their little hearts out for Osama bin Ladin and Musab al-Zarqawi.

I think it's justified to question their patriotism at times like these.

Holy crap, I hate people so freaking much.

Posted by CD on July 29, 2004 07:27 PM
Semi-Intelligent Comments

Stealing a line from Lucy van Pelt: I love mankind. It's people I can't stand.

Posted by: physics geek at July 30, 2004 03:42 PM
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