July 29, 2004


All right, I'm about to make a huge sacrifice for you people, so I'd better see some comments when this is posted.

I'm actually going to watch Kerry's acceptance speech.

I've been catching bits and pieces of the convention all night, and it's sickening. It's the same old crap: Vietnam, Bush bashing, and pandering. I also find it amusing that the Dems are trying this "hope and unity" line after 3 years of "hate and vitriol" from their party.

I'm in a really crappy mood tonight. Can you tell? Anyway...

Right now, the swift boat veterans are speaking. Cuz, you know, Kerry was in Vietnam. He wants to make sure you don't forget it.

Now they're bringing out Max Cleland. Let's see if he talks about the Republicans being big meanies and questioning Waffleboy's patriotism. He's already blathering about how heroic Kerry is because he went to Vietnam. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Kerry got medals and you got hurt. We've heard it all before. Boo-f**kity-hoo. Now he's talking about Kerry's postwar lies. You know he confessed to being a war criminal, right, Max? But he was in Vietnam, so I shouldn't question his patriotism.

Yep, he mentioned patriotism. I wonder if he's aware that a patriot can still be a horrible politician. Oh, and Kerry's service to his country began in Vietnam. Because he was there. In Vietnam. Kerry was in Vietnam. He was there. In the Navy. In Vietnam. Vietnam. 'Nam. Viet F**kin' Nam. Viet. Nam. Motherf**kers.

Let's go to the extended entry. This is getting strange.

Now he's talking about the Bible. That bigoted, fundamentalist extremist! How dare he violate the separation of church and state!!! Pander pander pander.

Here comes Kerry. I'm not facing the TV, so I can't catch everything, but let's see what's going on...He's smiling, of course. This is the first time I've ever seen a sincere looking smile on that man's face. Here he comes. Waving. To the Kerry signs in the audience. Crap, touch typing is hard.

He hugged a black guy. Atrios would call that "really disturbing."

Here we go. Let's see what you've got, F**k Up.

Yeah, I'm really not happy with these people now. Expect a lot of asterisks in this post.

It looks like he's wearing a freakin' mask. Looks like they went easy on the botox this week. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you..." Wow, this is exciting. Oooh, "thank you so much." Way to be unpredictable.

Shut up and let him give the frickin' speech!

"I'm John Kerry and I'm reporting for duty." Oh, we forgot that you were a veteran. Sorry. It won't happen again.

"Make America stronger at home and respected in the world." Let's beg the U.N. to do it for us instead. He's still trying to win over the crowd. I think he's thanked them enough.

He stuttered. He did it again. "And world that doesn't have an end." Holy crap, he's nervous. They turned the camera on an insane woman in the audience. I guess she's a fan of "The West Wing."

The world is "full of wonders and mysteries." Mysteries like "how did John Kerry get the presidential nomination?"

He's rambling about his childhood. Making as many military references as humanly possible. I'm guessing at least half of this speech will focus on his Vietnam service. He just insinuated that nobody trusts us anymore.

Here he goes. "John Kennedy called my generation to service." "We believed we could change the world..." And now you want to screw it up. He wants to tell the truth to the American people. Because politicians are so honest. I like how he assumes that trust and credibility have left the White House.

Hey, he skipped the Vietnam part of his life. Interesting. He will "never mislead us into war." Because he'll let other countries do that. He's making veiled criticisms...oh, did you know that Ashcroft hasn't upheld the Constitution? Kerry says he hasn't, so it must be true. The rest of the crowd must be part of the "Ashcroft is Himmler" club.

Here comes the WoT talk. And class warfare. Outsourcing...the economy sucks...he apparently has missed all the talk that America is getting better, since he thinks the other side is claiming that this is a horrible country.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! "We're the optimists." Yeah, right. If "optimism" means "calling your opponents the enemy of America" and "covering up all good news because it might help Bush."

Where did this optimism crap come from? The Democrats have never been optimistic until this week. But he accepts the nomination. It would be funny if he said, "I reject your nomination. Pick Hillary instead!" Heh heh.

Now he's talking about Edwards. Who has helped make the American dream real. Right. He's talking way too much about the middle class. Hey, I'm middle class, and I think you're a douche. What does that tell you?

"What can I say about Te-ray-suh?" How about, "shove it?" "She speaks her mind, and she speaks the truth, and I love her for that, too." The "too" is because he mostly loves her for the money.

"Band of brothers" talk. Now he's talking about being a veteran. "We came back with a deep belief that every day is extra." And that soldiers were war criminals.

He said "unity." They really like that word.

9/11 talk. He's describing the national unity we had until the friggin' tinfoil-hat crowd ruined it. But no, it's Bush's fault that people think he's an imperialist oil tycoon.

"There are those who criticize me for seeing complexities." No, we criticize you for taking both sides of an issue. He's parroting the "no WMD" and "mission accomplished" memes. This is not a president. It is a moonbat.

Now he's talking about how Bush distorted the facts that he and the Democrats voted for war after seeing. He apparently thinks that we didn't have to go to war. Even though he voted for it. Before he voted against it.

Oh, you know what they go through in a war. Were you in a war? Which one was it? I forget.

Holy crap, he's regurgitating the Michael Moore "we sacrificed children" line. Have you heard of free will?

"You will never be asked to fight a war without a plan to win the peace." I guess "killing the terrorists" isn't a plan.

He knows what needs to be done, but he refuses to tell us how he's going to do it. Here comes the "nobody respects us" crap. I guess that we're going it alone. With our multilateral coalition. Oh, and Kerry is a veteran. He mentioned it again.

"Any attack will be met with a swift and certain response." He wants to expand the armed forces now. An action he has historically voted against. He thinks the National Guard and reservists are being drafted. I didn't realize you could volunteer for a draft.

"We will deploy every tool in our arsenal." Does he realize that the crowd he's speaking to opposes that? Now the line is "Bush hasn't done enough?" What a joke.

"We need to be looked up to, not just feared." No, we need to be feared, because then, people won't try to f**king kill us. Moron.

I love how he's trying to say that he'll fight terrorism while simultaneously criticizing the war on terrorism. See why we call you a flip-flopper, Kerry? You don't even know what you're saying, do you?

He'll follow the 9/11 Commission. Until Bush does. Then, he'll say that it's foolish to listen to them without considering other opinions.

Here comes the patriotism questioning thing. "Wrapping themselves in the flag." I've seen that line on DU. This is freakin' sad. "Reclaim our democracy itself." We have a republic, Kerry. He's talking about patriotism again. Because we've questioned his by daring to ask what he's going to do if he wins.

By the way, Kerry fought. In Vietnam. He was there. On a swift boat. In Viet F**kin' Nam. He was there. Vietnam. V.I.E.T.N.A.M.

He's still playing on the "Republicans have a monopoly on patriotism" stereotype. It would be nice if they would actually criticize things people have done. Although I love listening to liberals chanting "USA! USA!" after all these times that they've said the flag is offensive.

"You don't value families by kicking kids out of after school programs and taking cops off the streets so that Enron can get another tax break." Is he actually swallowing this crap?

Oh yeah, and Bush wants to help drug companies. How terrible. Helping the companies that help others. That fascist prick.

He's criticizing the lack of war funding. Even though he voted not to fund the war.

Values, values, values...he's basically just stealing the Republican platform now. He mentioned God. He must be a delusional religious crusader who thinks God speaks to him, just like Bush.

Here comes the socialism. Did you know that government is supposed to solve all your problems? Kerry thinks it is.

"25% of our children in Harlem have asthma because of hair pollution." I don't think he meant to say that.

"Help is on the way." I think that's the new slogan to replace "I was in Vietnam."

It's also fun watching a millionaire talk about the values of the middle class and rural families. I bet he knows all about hard work and sacrifice. He may have had to drive the SUV that he doesn't own instead of getting a limo.

He's really obsessed with this outsourcing stuff. "Our plan calls for a fair playing field." Wouldn't that be mean to other countries who have to compete with us? We can't have that.

"Tax giveaways that are nothing more than corporate welfare." "We won't raise taxes on the middle class." Yeah, sure. That's what you say now.

Let's see what he'll do...

- Cut middle class taxes
- Roll back the tax cuts for the wealthiest individuals, invest in health care, education, and job creation.

Why should people get rich if they get punished for it, you idiot? I guess Nanny Government will take care of all the boo-boos that the poow widdle country suffers.

He apparently sees a connection between prisoners and students.

"Health care that's affordable and accessible for all Americans." *cough*Socialism*cough*

Wait, people will be able to buy less expensive drugs from countries like Canada? What happened to keeping business in this country? Flip. Flop.

"Health care...is a right for all Americans." Yeah. You get back to us as soon as you find that in the Constitution, buddy.

He's criticizing foreign oil. In front of a crowd who probably opposes drilling in Alaska because it might hurt the animals' feelings. He just made a real subtle "war for oil" jab. Clever.

Here comes a message for Bush: "Let's be optimists...build unity...honor this nation's diversity...never misuse the Constitution..." Tell that to your own party. You know, the Bush hating, class warfare, "affirmative action," anti-gun crusaders.

I love how he's criticizing divisive politics in front of a group that's spent the entire week talking about how horrible Bush is.

"I don't wear my religion on my sleeve." Unless it's politically beneficial, of course. Then he'll tell everyone in the room that he's a devout Catholic.

There are some funny looking people in that audience. Wow.

He thinks he can cure diabetes, Alzheimer's, and AIDS. Token stem cell research line...I still can't help but find it hilarious to hear him talk about stopping hatred in front of the Party of Hatred.

Oh, hey, did you know Kerry was in Vietnam? On a boat? I thought I heard that somewhere. That he was in Vietnam. He served. In the Navy. In Vietnam. He was there. He's a veteran. He was in Vietnam. 'Nam. Vi. Et. N. Am.

"Our best days are still to come." Yeah, as soon as you lose the election. F**kin' moron.

They couldn't leave out the Kerry on Edwards man-love. It's like they're connected.

CRAP, there are some funny looking people in the audience.

Group hug! Group hug! AAAAAWWWWWW.....

How freakin' long are they going to be out there?

I think the action is over. So...

That was an odd speech. Too many empty platitudes and appeals to emotion, not enough concrete information. And he acknowledged most of the conspiracy theories without actually saying them. But again, I love how the criticism of Bush has gone from "we shouldn't have gone to war" to "we aren't fighting hard enough." Pick one!

And like I said, it's freakin' hilarious that the party of Bush bashing is suddenly calling for hope and unity. You're a few years too late there, Dems. You've shown your true colors now. You might as well embrace the hate. Watching you self destruct in November will be fun.

Posted by CD on July 29, 2004 11:20 PM
Semi-Intelligent Comments

I didn't catch much of it, I was outside reading.. but I was surprised to hear him say the "G-word" that Democrats seem to cringe at all the time. Startled my father too.. enough to stop him from dozing off so that he could exclaim "HE'S ALLOWED TO SAY 'GOD'?"

Posted by: Katherine at July 30, 2004 12:07 AM

I think it's because in neolib world, Democrats can talk about God to show their faith and devotion, but when Republicans do it, it's because they're sending secret messages to Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson so the mythical "religious right" can turn America into a theocracy.

Or something along those lines.

Posted by: CD at July 30, 2004 12:12 AM
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